Saturday, March 3, 2012

Why do we eat eggs for breakfast?

i mean lions n other animals dont really eat eggs for breakfast so why couldnt it be pizza or something we eat for dinner? just curious.|||1. They're easy

2. They're quick

3. They're high in protien

4. The EGG CAME FIRST!|||there are 3 reasons why we eat eggs for breakfast.

first because when you have test at school your brain will know the answer easily.

second you will grow up easily.

lastly make you fell better in the morning.

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|||People eat all sorts of things for breakfast, but why eggs? Because in olden days, first thing in the morning, people got up, took care of the animals, then had breakfast. They collected the eggs and it was quick to cook them up...toast some leftover bread from the day before, or add some grains that had been slow cooked into porridge over the embers all night...and you have our familiar breakfast of eggs, toast and oatmeal.

in other cultures, they eat other things, though the porridge thing is nearly universal as far as I can tell, different grains in different cultures...if the porridge was older and had soured/fermented, it was NOT thrown out, but cooked into quick flat cakes...and pancakes were made.

Most foods have very practical origins, but then after they "caught on" people modified them and made them whenever, just because they liked them|||"lions n other animals" don't have breakfast, lunch and dinner. They just eat when they're hungry, and there are lots of animals who eat eggs (mice, hedgehogs, snakes...).

Besides, who says u can't eat pizza for breakfast? I know a guy who has cheeseburgers for breakfast. Not like the Eggs-For-Breakfast Police ever came to his door to stop him...|||High in protein...a real "farm" food. Before a hard day's work in the field (or the office for that matter) it's good to load up for strength.|||actually one of the reasons we eat eggs at breakfast is because originally we would steal the eggs before the lion got to them.|||CONGRATULATIONS . . .you have just won the "stupid question of the Day" contest . . .|||'cuz those bloody roosters "coca-doodle-do" so damn loud in the this is just payback! Nothing more.|||because they are a good source of protein

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