Saturday, March 3, 2012

AM I a HOG~ I ate 6 pieces of PIZZA and now I am on to candy with a bottle of pop? I missed breakfast! Now I?

have to skip supper too!|||God Bless you and your family.|||that sounds lovely, wish I had that kinda lunch.|||Yep!! OINK OINK!|||MOOOOOOO!!!|||No, your not a hog, I can eat 6 pieces of Dominoes pizza. Skipping supper probably wouldn't be a bad idea :)|||No you're not a hog but you might get indigestion|||No just exercise today! Jog a couple of miles or swim!!|||That sounds GREAT!! Just don't do it to often, we'll have to roll you home after another day of eating like that!|||* Mmmm lucky you , all i had all day was a bowl of cerial *|||You might have no choice but to skip supper, you may be on the toilet all night.|||get it kid! Hell no your not a hog, eat whatever you want. As long as your ok with it, it doesn't make a f**k whatever anyone else thinks.|||Just don't feel bad, drink a lot of water and walk. Stress does that to you.|||nope you're just a glutton|||of course not.|||Candy? Thats so hot!

Oh you mean your eating candy. Oh well.|||Nah...enjoy it!! Just don't make it an everyday thing....|||You are not a hog, you were hungry. LOL.|||No, you are not. I have eaten six (or more) slices on several occasions.|||umm well i really cant say i think you are turning into a hog i bet you wernt a hog before but your turning into a hog im a hog i really dont care because its how i am im not hog of stuff im a hog of food i love food but i lost my appetite so pretty much im still a hog of food but i dont eat food no more because i was sick few days ago but im better im just saying i wouldnt say your a hog until you START EATING FOOD LIKE CRAZY

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