Saturday, March 3, 2012

Who Invented pizza? And what is a popular dish in Italy?

I have a project about Italy and I need a little help. So what is the lifestyle of an Italian and what is a popular breakfast dish for Italians. I was also wondering when and who invented pizza.|||The word “pizza” means “pie” and is a derivative of the Roman term “picea”.

The Ancient Greeks covered their bread with oils, herbs and cheese. The Romans developed placenta, a sheet of flour topped with cheese and honey and flavored with bay leaves. Modern pizza originated in Italy as the Neapolitan pie with tomato. In 1889 cheese was added.[2]

King Ferdinand I (1751–1825) is said to have disguised himself as a commoner and, in clandestine fashion, visited a poor neighborhood in Naples. One story has it that he wanted to sink his teeth into a food that the queen had banned from the royal court—pizza.[3]

In 1889, during a visit in Naples, Queen Margherita of Savoy was served a pizza resembling the colors of the Italian flag, red (tomato), white (mozzarella) and green (basil). This kind of pizza has been named after the Queen as Pizza Margherita.|||Well the story goes back a long way. The Greeks and Phonecians had a pizza-like bread and this baked bread covered with topping was popular in Ancient Rome.

Pizzerias have been found in excavations in Pompeii.

The big advance came when tomatoes were first brought back to Europe in 1522 though and in Naples pizza with tomato and cheese was popular.

The Margherita Pizza (mozzarella, basil, and tomatoes) was made popular in 1889.|||hi!! pizza was for the first time invented by the personal chef of queen Margherita; she always wanted to taste new dishes and on day her chef especially made for her a pizza, named by himself pizza margherita. It was a unique dish with the coulours of actual flag of italy( green, white and red).

Pizza is a common dish of italy, pasta is another one( in different versions: FETTUCCINE, FUSILLI, SPAGHETTI, PENNE...and many others).

P:S: I LOVE PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||Pizza, in its modern form, developed in Naples, Italy in the 18th and 19th centuries. And it was created by someone from Naples in Italy.|||pizza was originally invented by the poor in italy because they mostly just had bread, cheese, and some vegetables|||The chinese actually invented pizza.|||Italtians!|||Pizza in some form has been around sice Roman times.|||la regina margherita a napoli|||I agree with ICAL
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