Friday, March 9, 2012

How do husbands not get bored with their wives?

I loooooooooooove pizza. But if I was forced to eat nothing but pizza for breakfast.......for lunch.........for dinner..............for midnight snacks.......pretty soon I would start to hate pizza. How the heck do they do it?|||There are many different ways to make and many different toppings that can go on a pizza. that is all i'm sayin'.|||(May peace be upon you)

Marriages take more than just liking towards each other to stay strong. A person is a huge collection of emotions. Everyday he/she may behave differently. You get to see a different emotion in the same person every other day. Its like being with a 'different' kind of same person 'everyday'. If you think over it, you may get what I am trying to say. And of course, there is a never ending need to be with each other - for one reason or the other. Its a feeling which people enjoy in their lives. So, no matter how many downs the couple may face together, for that feeling it is all worth it.

Thank you|||She has to be your best friend. But good sex is just as important don't let them tell you otherwise.

And that can last a long long time, too.

How do wives not get bored with their husband's?

Now that's a good question. All men are the same, how do they tell them apart? Most women could switch with any other similar aged couple and not notice.|||There is all difference between edibles %26amp; woman.

Love is long lasting emotion of human beings, If you have love you shall not be bored , If you took woman fr sex purpose only than it may be different issue.|||Everyone can get bored with any person, if he will have to pass his/her whole life with other. But sometimes distance is also necessary to save relations. There should be some spices, changes in your daily life|||They may well do but you know women give them bonuses if they keep with them and pretend not to be bored ;)|||its the emotional bond between the married couple which ties them till their death(hopefully) and its not just sex.|||Your first problem is you are comparing pizza to women.

-Shawn|||You find the person you cant live without. Cheesy but true!|||When you get sick of pizza ? try going on a culinary tour of the world from sweet to hot and spicy|||If there is love n friendship no one get bore|||We do

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