Saturday, March 3, 2012

I just dont understand breakfast foods. who made them up and why? i for one cannot stand breakfast foods?

is that crazy? i would much rather have a hamburger or pizza than a bland egg sandwich.|||I like breakfast foods but not at breakfast time. Never really hungry in the morning so don't mind breakfast items for dinner.|||some people don't like eating such heavy food as soon as they wake up. Idk who made them up.|||Breakfast is great if you're drunk or hung over. Easy on the stomach and filling.|||Well, everyone likes different things.|||Hey hamburgers are great but not for breakfast. I think Kelloggs started it all off with their cornflakes and it has gone from their. I have kids and it is great they love cereal cause I would not fancy cooking at 7am in morning.|||I really don't know why but I do know something. You know what break means right? Fast means to stop from doing something like eating. So you take a break from fasting. break-fast! breakfast!!|||I would agree to some extent. Some of my best breakfasts have been cold pizza or leftovers from the day before, though mostly as a teenager.

However, I love certain breakfast foods, I just don't want to take the time to cook them. I love: coconut chocolate chip scones, peach dumplings, Bahrnfruhstuch (spelling? it's German farmers breakfast with fried potatoes and onions and peppers and bacon and eggs and cheese... mmmmm), eggs benedict, homemade biscuits and gravy, or homemade breakfast burritos... I like homemade waffles with homemade rhubarb or apricot preserves and whipped cream, German Baby pancakes with lemon and powdered sugar or Austrian Apple Pannekuchen...

Anyway, there are actually many "breakfast" foods I love or like, but they take time to actually make. Egg sandwiches, scrambled eggs, cereal, regular pancakes from a box, etc... all those things are easy, but they aren't as good as a down home breakfast. And they aren't as good as last night's casserole or leftover pizza either.

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