Friday, March 9, 2012

I know ppl sometimes have breakfast 4 supper...?

but i like pizza 4 breakfast

wat about you???|||I've been known to do both! Pancakes, sausage, OJ, for dinner, and a good meat lovers pizza for breakfast but always cold.|||i get bad heart burn after eating pizza, but i think people should try eating the right food at the right time. you could loose or maintain weight doing that.|||I love cold pizza for breakfast, nothing beats it!|||Yes, I am known for my weird food cravings... if I have any leftover pizza after my friends and I order it for dinner, I love to have a slice or two for breakfast the following morning. Coldness makes it less greasy and it's still just as tasty (if not even better) than a fresh hot piping pizza. :)|||i dont but i dont think its weird either|||i usually have a sandwich of some kind for breakfast! i just eat what i feel like (within my calorie limit of course) when I feel like it!!! pancakes at midnight? sure! roast chicken at 8am? why not?

The two best breakfasts ever are:

1. cold cheese and pepperoni pizza

2. cold fried chicken


As far as the above comment on losing weight - it's the food you eat, not when you eat it! In fact, it's better to have your higher calorie foods in the morning so you can work them off all day! :)|||When I was growing up,my mother would make breakfast meals for dinner,and I would have preferred dinner meals for dinner,and breakfast meals for breakfast. I am not saying that I am against fixing breakfast meals for dinner,but I just prefer my dinner meals for dinner,and my breakfast meals for breakfast,if that makes any sense at all? *Winnie Giggles* ;-)|||I eat anything 4 breakfats, supper, and dinner! YOU'LL SEE ME EAT SPAGHETTI FOR BREAKFAST AND CEREAL FOR DINNER! I'll eat ANYTHING for the dinner, breakfast, supper. I don't follow the rules becasue im freakay that's y people luv me LOL!!!|||i dont like breakfast for supper

it makes me confused lol

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