Saturday, March 3, 2012

What do you think of only eating pizza?

Im thinking of eating only a large pizza from donatos everyday when im an adult.

heres how it would work: In the morning I would order a large pizza and eat a couple slices for breakfast. Then I would bring some slices to work and eat them at lunch time. Eat the remaining slices for dinner.|||It's very unhealthy.

You'll die young, from no vitamins or healthy foods at all.

You'll end up HATING pizza, because you'll be eating too much of it.

Everyday you'll always feel tired, lazy, and nasty because of all the calories and fat.

Just don't do it.

Lol. Are you serious right now?|||If you could afford to waste money on a pizza every day you could spend that money on things that are better for you! Pizza every day doesnt even sounds good...and chances are you would get sick of it anyway!

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|||Believe me that if you live off of just pizza, you'll feel like s#!%. I know because I have ate nothing but pizza for multiple days, when I was single and poor. Believe me when I tell you there is a reason why your parents make you eat all kinds of stuff even things you don't like. (if they are good parents) You'll get a strange head ache and you'll have nasty heart burn (acid reflux).

Truth be told. I have found that if you want to feel and live to your potential you need a decent amount of produce (vegetables and fruits). I don't even really like veggies now, but I eat them like I love them. Why? Because I feel like s#!% if I don't. Nobody lives very long just eating meat, carbs and fat. Vitamin supplements won't help, because there are molecules and enzymes that your body needs to function that science has not been able to recreate in pill form, and are discovering on a daily bases. One of the things all HEALTHY adults realize as they get older, is that if you want the highest quality of life, you'll need to eat thing you don't love. The more variety the healthier and better you will feel.

Suck it up, and be thankful that you even have food you don't like to eat, and adults that care enough about you to show you how to live a long healthy life.

Many people do eat only what they love, and they are the adults that you see that look disgusting and miserable. They are all around you.|||You'd be fat and that's really unhealthy to eat that much pizza. What's gonna be on that pizza? Maybe try veggie pizza everyday except Friday because Friday is like a "treat" day. Anyway, I think your just being weird today because I'm pretty sure if you ate a large pizza everyday you'd be 500 pounds by age 30.|||You will get sick and die young

You will develop scurvy from lack of vitamins and fresh fruit

You will have zits and spots too from just oily fatty food

People will laugh at you for being fat|||Truthfully it is unhealthy and eventually it would become boring.|||i know it sounds delicious...but it's not very healthy you could get diabetes or another disease and die.|||I'm guessing you wnat to end up with colon cancer. that happens when you eat too much grease and no healthy foods.|||yumm

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