Saturday, March 3, 2012

Cold pizza, or cold chicken. which do you like for breakfast?

Cold pizza for me. I'm going to get my husband and make him read this questions and all the answers for cold pizza. He has always said that I must be the only person in the world who eats cold pizza for breakfast, now I have independent proof I am not the only one.|||cold chicken and cold pizza both nice for breakfast but you always ended ordering a little too much pizza and having it for brekkie

cold pizza had my vote|||cold pepperoni olive and onion pizza! but i wouldnt have it for breakfast though %26gt;.%26lt;|||I'll take the pizza any old morning unless the chicken is from the Colonel.|||Loooove cold pizza. Besides, I'm a vegetarian.|||cold pizza and I wash it down with a cold brew-skie~~LMAO

~champions of champions! ~~~Breakfast!~~|||I'll go for the pizza. That can be eaten as it is.

The chicken will need something more.|||pizza|||Cold Pizza|||Cold pizza, cold beer and a hot woman. ;p|||Cold pizza. I can't stand cold chicken.|||cold pizza|||cold pizza|||Cold milk with ice|||cold chicken for breakfast %26amp; cold pizza late @ night|||Either, but I prefer cold pizza...ever since my college days.|||cold pizza all the way|||Cold Pizza.....cold chicken is dry and gross|||i like them both what ever is left
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