Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Would you rather eat cold Chinese or cold pizza for breakfast?

its a tie for me....Would you rather eat cold Chinese or cold pizza for breakfast?
cold pizzaWould you rather eat cold Chinese or cold pizza for breakfast?
Cold Pizza! I love it. you can't beat a slice of cold margerita :o)
cold pizza
Iwould eat a cold pizza with a hot cup of tea it tastes very good do try it .
cold pizza
cold pizza baby
Cold pizza is the best.
Cold pizza sounds better for me right now.....
tie-cold chinese is better for a hangover for me
Cold Chinese sounds better at this moment in time. Keep the pizza for dinner or for tomorrow's breakfast.
It's a tie.
Cold Pizza
hot pop tarts
No contest.....cold pizza.
Pizza; flat out
I think I would just have to skip breakfast if those were my choices
Cold pizza.
no, i like to eat something warm for my breakfast
chinese.....as long is it was shrimp sauce, sweet carrots and rice
cold pizza any day!
Cold pizza.........yummy!
cold pizza but I love left over chinese in the morning but it has to be warmed up
cold pizza.. that's an american tradition!!
no for me
I like Italians. They taste better
none why eat your food cold the next morning when youve got a microwave
Cold pizza and mbe get a stomachache later
cold pizza with cold chinese topping.

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