Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Do you like cold Pizza for breakfast ?

o.ODo you like cold Pizza for breakfast ?
I love it !!
Yeah. *__* I love having left-over pizza, as it's much easier than making breakfast, and means less waste. :)Do you like cold Pizza for breakfast ?
HaHa you just said on someones question that you were trying to hide your hangover now your asking this - Have a good night did you...

and yes I LOVE cold pizza for breakfast - there's never muck left though :( .

Add a beer and ya got breaky of champions!!!!! No Hawaiian pizza tho
Cold pizza is the true breakfast of champions
No I have to heat it up, I can't stand eating anything cold that's not supposed to be
Yes, but it depends on the type of pizza. Papa John's tastes horrible cold.
Jesus YES!!! If I could eat cold pizza for breakfast every morning I would. Cold pizza FTMFW!!
r u kidding.... i cant think of a better way to start the day!

They should have cold pizza breakfast in bed
No. I don't like eating any leftovers really.
I HATE cold pizza
I don't EVER like cold pizza. Heat it up first.
only in college
I don't eat pizza
No, not for me....!!
yes. very much.
Love it! Vote me best answer please!
No, that will be a bad day.
better than not eating
i hate it ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
when its there
no for lunch i do
my favorite :) but right now im eating toast and drinking V8!
LOL....just had one this morning.
oh hell yes.
Hi Babes

What ever is left in the box....xxx

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