Friday, February 24, 2012

Was anyone else really shocked at what americans feed their kids for breakfast at school?

ive been watching Jamie Olivers programe about american school dinners and was so shocked to see that they have pizza for breakfast and lunch everyday at school. none of the kids knew the names of any vegetables and the teachers, dinner ladies and parents couldnt understand what all the fuss is about !!!!Was anyone else really shocked at what americans feed their kids for breakfast at school?
look at all the americans going mental... lol this isn't a British tv show - it's an American one thats just getting played here. And of course they specially selected the area - the whole point was that he went to the fattest place in america, which makes it the fattest place in the world, to try to make a difference and educate. When you see the actual people, real americans, and the amount of junk they're feeding their families, it's astonishing! It wasn't him that came to the conclusion that this was the fattest place in the world either - you're government released the statistic!

And to the person that said that there's health regulation in school meals - they showed what the health regulations were lol. Jamie cooked the kids chicken, veg and rice - a well balanced meal, healthy meal. the school principle and dinner ladies then told him that he couldn't serve that as the health regulations stated they "needed to have 2 breads". Jamie then asked the dinner ladies if their meal had two breads in it to which they replied "the pizza base is a bread, and the cheesy bread is a bread". lmao, it was shocking!
I haven't seen the programme, though I might do so now. However, my father was posted to New York in the 1970s and my family lived in a very wealthy suburb of the city. I attended the local elementary school for two years and from what I remember, the lunch menu was really terrible, except for the meatballs in tomato sauce. The meatballs tasted good but it wasn't long before I tired of eating them every lunchtime. Generally, the food looked and tasted as if it had been bought as pre-packed food. Therefore, Jamie Oliver's findings don't really surprise me. I guess that in less well-off areas the food was a lot worse.

EDIT. Having now seen the two programmes shown so far, I have to say that the original diet served at the school was almost beyond belief! The food I ate at a US school in the 1970s was incomparably better. However, the most amazing thing was the 1st grade children who couldn't name any vegetables but well done to the teacher for realizing that it was something worth teaching.

I look forward to the rest of the series.Was anyone else really shocked at what americans feed their kids for breakfast at school?
Gosh Americans calling us ignorant. Jamie Oliver is hardly head of propaganda. He wants the programme to be a success not an abject failure. And the cameras are right there in the school - we can see what they are having for breakfast and lunch. Isn't the town the fattest in the USA? That's why it was chosen. The children had absolutely no idea what the vegetables were - you cannot fake that with six year olds. The standard of health in the USA is very poor - that's a fact, not propaganda. But in the UK we are catching up with you although we are still a long way behind.
I too saw this show a while back %26amp; it angered me that they seemed to in part blame the lunch ladies for what was being served. THEY ARE JUST DOING THEIR JOB. It is their job to prepare the food THAT THEY ARE TOLD TO. 100% of the blame should fall on the school districts %26amp; whomever actually decides what will be on the menu, NOT the lunch ladies.
These aren't documentaries in the traditional sense. They choose the locations and the people in order to fit the dynamics of the programme. I mean, can you imagine that format of programme where JO turns up in a random location and doesn't get to shout and wave and lecture because everybody does everything correctly?

No. Because it's about him being set up to argue with stupid people and so we see he, the representative of the middle class, is right.

Next week on "Jamie Oliver saves the world" - shooting fish in a barrel.

Like "wife swap" - they pick couples who will naturally disagree. Car crash television
I'm American and I swear I never witnessed that.

As a kid, I ate cereal for breakfast in school...even though I preferred bacon :/ they wouldn't serve it though. Ugh. Yeah....

Don't judge ALL Americans based on that.
My daughter eats fruits and whole wheat grains for breakfast, along with juice or milk. Or cereal with vitamins and good stuff in it so please don't associate me with those scutterbuckets you saw on TV.
Shocked ? No. We are talking about Americans here. All was as expected.
I'm forced to eat Oatmeal.
No, nowadays kids do what they feel is good for them, and we provide it. its that simple
you understand your watching tv, which is propaganda. In this case your watching a brit food channel lie about American diet or a small percent. It brings your ignorance out, you should be ashamed, as a kid in California i would pick and eat veggies straight out of the garden, and ive helped schools in San Jose Ca plant gardens. Brits intelligence is once again surpassed by ignorance
LOL!! This question must be a joke to pick on AMericans!

America has a standards as to what children can be fed at school. The average American breakfast AT SCHOOL consists of such choices as milk, juice, fruit, cereal, french toast, oatmeal or pancakes. Pizza has never been a breakfast item.

SOmetimes Pizza is served during lunches but not on a daily basis and juice, milk, and fruit are also included.

I'd assume you'd be more intelligent to believe everything you see on TV. There is not one thing about what you wrote that is true except that we serve pizza on occasion, not daily.

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