Friday, February 24, 2012

Is it bad to eat milk and cookies 4 breakfast??

cuz when ppl say they had pizza 4 breakfast, its no biggie but when milk and cookies come ^, its like ''no no no'' ''shame on u!!'' i think its bcuz there is so much sugar in cookies. and in pizza there is SOME nutrition. ( dairy, meat, grain..)Is it bad to eat milk and cookies 4 breakfast??
I say ' Let them eat cake!'

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Is it bad to eat milk and cookies 4 breakfast??
It's just like a donut.

You are probably too young to remember Bill Cosby's routine about the Chocolate Cake, but here it is.
I think it is okay to have milk and cookies for breakfast, as long as the rest of the day has some more healthier foods in it. But milk is good for the calcium and cookies contain grains that fit in with one of our food groups that are requested. Of course there is sugar, but a lot of the breakfast foods/cereals have as much sugar as a cookie. . . so enjoy!
Not any different than sugared cereal and milk.
No diff....all of them will convert to fats! But honestly, pizza's worse! It's one of the most fattening food around!
It is okay if you do once in awhile. Not everyday.
Yes if its gross over oily heartattack cookies yes but make these the night before this is what I do. copy and paste this:

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Don't eat milk. Otherwise, I think it's alright.
i think pizza is a s*** breakfast! milk and cookies sound cool, tasty and you got lots of calcium in milk.
I don't think eating pizza for breakfast is very healthy either. Honestly, I don't think it's "bad" to eat milk and cookies for breakfast as long as you don't eat it every day.
Both Pizza and Cookies are terrible foods.

I mean if you don't care about that do what you want.

But the average slice of pizza is like 300 - 500 calories and if it has meat it is full of grease and trans fats

The average cookie is like 80 calories.

How about a Banana smoothie!

How about some oatmeal with rasins and a little milk and a touch of honey.

A slice of oat bread with peanut butter (natural if you can find it).

Now you're talking nutritious, delicious and in part of this instance heart healthy.
its okay to eat milk and cookies for breakfast on a special occasion or every once in a while. but for breakfast normally like everyday milk and cookies isn't the best option. : ) hope i helped
Every day? Yes.

Once every month or two? No.
hey you never told me you went shoppin in NY! TAKE ME NEXT TIME!!! %26lt;3.
Well it is o.k as long as u don't eat it everyday!!!

You'd probably get sick of it!
not as long as you finish your Twinkies at lunch time (kidding)

I prefer the pizza for breakfast, myself
I don't know! Hav been doin that for most of my breakfast before sch!
No, it's of great psychological benefit to eat cookies for breakfast! Particularly the nice slighty-soft chocolate chip ones.
itz up to u dear. itz ok i think but for lunch n dinner eat a little bit healthier!:)
It's not substantial, but good once in a while. Having a fry up every day will cause you more harm.

The best breakfast to have is a bowl of muesli or, better still porridge (made from porridge oats, if possible) with a couple of bits of toast, and tea, coffee or orange juice.
No, it's not good for you. However, it's really not that much worse for you than having a bowl of overly sugary kids cereal.
dont have the cookies but have the milk ! replace them with some wholegrain toast or something its much healthier
only once in a will
Check out the ingredients in many of today's box cereals. Cookies might be considered health food by comparison!
oh my god... you have to be American...

listen... milk %26amp; cookies aren't a particularly healthy breakfast, but they are infinately more healthy than pizza.

pizza is one of the most unhealthy foods out there. It is full of fat, with little nourishment at all.
Probably not best to eat it 'every day'. But yes, milk has vitamins etc and even cookies, if they're oatmeal for example, have some nutrients in them too. Try having a piece of fruit or a slice ot toast too.
No not at all every heard of the cereal cookie crisp?
it is sad to hear from someone like you that really has no clue
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