Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mommies..have you ever ate a whole pizza to your self in one day?

I was passed out before my husband got home last night and I guess he came home with a pizza for me because he left it in the fridge (he doesn't like pizza)...anyways, I had some for breakfast, lunch, and now I just FINISHED it for dinner! Im not sure if it was a lg or medium! Mommies what is the worst day of food you've ever had? Can you too down a whole pizza?|||Yes! Little Ceaser's cheese pizza with green peppers %26amp; onions... I dip each slice into spicy ranch. Sooo good!|||I can down a whole pizza and then some. But my husband usually tells me its time to "close the box..". What's my worst day of food? Well i'm breastfeeding, so most days i try to eat a healthy balanced diet, but then i have weird days (I blame my hormones) where i eat nothing but fruit jellies, toast, chocolate and tortilla chips.|||Not really into to pizza that much, but last week I ate a whole bag of those Cadbury Mini Eggs. Not one of the small ones, but one of the family size. The worst thing I can do it leave candy next to where I make my daughters bottles, or in the living room. I couldn't believe it when I got down to the bottom of the bag!!|||Oh gosh...that sounds like something I would totally do...LOL.

I am also 11.5 weeks pregnant, so when I got a craving, I gotta eat it! Yesterday I ate an entire cantaloupe and container of strawberries. Wasn't really bad for me, but my stomach sure hurt afterwards...LOL. And then there's the cereal box of Coco Puffs in the trashcan that I finished off in like a day and a half.....sigh.|||Heck yeah! Years ago (when I was single,lol) Pizza hut had an offer of 3 large pizzas for $5 a piece.

I ate pizza for breakfast lunch and dinner. Suprisingly it saved alot of money! I swear I lived off pizza for a week straight.|||Yes, I can very easily eat a whole pizza in one day (through out the course of the day of course)! I love pizza! My fav is pepperoni, onion, mushroom, and green peppers! Yum yum!|||Yes, When I was pregnant with the twins I eat a whole pizza (large) to myself. I can't belive I did|||i used to run 3 miles a day and sometimes would eat a large pizza to myself in one sitting. i feel gross after eating a whole tub of ice cream though...yuck|||i haven't, but i just made pita chips and ate almost all of them--that's like 8 pitas! damn carbs! haagan daz strawberry ice cream is disgustingly addicting as well.|||I've done that before. Pizza all day long. I love eating it. I only indulge myself about once a year so it's not a big deal.|||sure can....in one sitting...LOL my weakness is pasta though and garlic bread i have a whole stick lmao! and i moan about my bum:)))|||I just did this yesterday. lol I ate a whole large pizza throughout the day. Probably not too healthy but it was good! lol|||That doesn't seem that bad. You did take all day to eat it! I've been eating a lot of chocolate lately - yum!|||Yes I can.|||that easy to eat off LOL ...
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