Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pizza for breakfast or Pancakes for dinner?

I'd say both, because if I had money, I would have bought pizza last evening, and now it needs to be eaten and pancakes can be made tonight!Pizza for breakfast or Pancakes for dinner?
Pancakes for dinner
bioth, i mean BOTH.

but if choice, then pizza for breakfast.Pizza for breakfast or Pancakes for dinner?
Yes Please! and

Yes Please!!

Pancakes for dinner--yum. Not to mention, my kids love pancakes for dinner too, so they are always a winner around here.
Pizza for breakfast
definately pizza for breakfast~cold!
me and the kids sometimes have pancakes for dinner. They're quick and easy to make, and the kids think it's a riot.
pancakes for dinner
Pancakes for dinner but I think I am just saying that because it is breakfast time and I want some pancakes.
pizza for Beakfast
Breakfast Pizza is wonderful for breakfast. And pancakes are fine, on occasion, for dinner.
pizza for breakfast. pancakes at night means i have been drinking a lot and I don't like to be hung over. IHOP at 2:30 am is great though.
Pizza for breakfast.
i wouldn't eat pizza 4 breakfast so i would say vice versa.
Well have both since ones for breakfast and the other is for dinner.
PIZZA FOR BREAKFAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pizza for breakfast, with ketchup please.
Defintely pancakes for dinner. One of my all time favorites. Especially banana pancakes with a side of scrambled eggs and sausage links (not patties).
yeah baby...we are thinking on the same page.
hahahhaa, both,sounds good
Gotta go with the Pancakes for dinner...loooove the pan-cakes!
pizza for breakfast
Pizza for breakfast, I always do that. Not a big fan of pancakes or any breakfast food, so I simply eat lunch for breakfast. :)
pizza for breakfast
pizza for breakfast. cold pizza.

I like them both...pizza for breakfast yummm cold and keeps my tummy happy.

Pancakes for dinner...yummmm watm and sweet and comfy
both but do not expect to loss any weight.they both may taste good but the side effects are fattening.

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