Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Is it better to eat an unhealthy breakfast or none at all?

I don't really have any time for breakfast before school so I usually skip it but is it better to eat nothing or something unhealthy like cup or noodles, leftover pizza/burger. It seems like whenever I eat an unhealthy breKfast I feel a lilttle more sluggish during the day but breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I feel like I shouldn't skip. What's better to do??Is it better to eat an unhealthy breakfast or none at all?
It is never healthy to skip breakfast. Get up earlier if you have to. Have healthy things ready that you can grab as you run out the door if you must leave without eating. Almonds and trail mixes are a great way to eat on the run. DO NOT eat left over pizza and burger. they are just full of fat and carbs that will make you crash after as you have noticed.

Keep fruit handy and keep extra almonds and other nuts in your back pack for those quick pick me up during the day...
Breakfast really IS the most important meal of the day, doesn't matter what you eat as long as you eat something. It's a proven medical fact that those who skip breakfast are 98% more likely to become overweight than those who eat any sort of breakfast. Try grabbing a pop tart, they may be paste on the outside but are good for on the run and healthier that toaster strudel, not to mention much cheaper.Is it better to eat an unhealthy breakfast or none at all?
get a breakfast smoothie shake, light Slimfast shake mix, its really good for you sinceits loaded with vitamins and stuff to keep you happy, why even have a bad breaffast, you really dont have time to pour a cup of milk into a bowl and put in a package of microwave oatmeal.... takes a minute... put it on while your getting dressed, come down, and eat it, and your gone out the door, easy
Food like leftover pizza, burger or noodles isn't unhealthy, it just isn't what people usually eat for breakfast. It is much better to eat leftovers for breakfast than no breakfast at all. The only thing you should probably avoid at breakfast is sugar -- donuts, cookies, super-sweet cereal, etc.
Make a healthly breakfast the night before and heat it up in the microwave in the morning.

You could also just go with cereal, cereal bars, cereal with yogurt, fruit, yogurt with added fruit, toast.
Try to have a quick, healthy option.

Try a glass of milk and a piece of fruit.

Relatively healthy and just as quick as unhealthy leftovers.
eat an unhealthy breakfast is not suggested ,however,if you eat none,the results will be worse
Eating no breakfast at all is worse. Even an unhealthey breakfast will kick start your metabolism.
Breakfast should be healthy ...my choice is yogurt, egg, one fruit..

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