Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Who do you think makes the best pizza to eat cold?

Every time I get Pizza Hut's pizza, I eat one little slice and put the rest in the fridge to eat cold for breakfast the next day. I like it better cold than hot! Yum Yum Yummy!Who do you think makes the best pizza to eat cold?
Me 2!! I have no idea why i like cold pizza, because my family thinks it so gross. I love pizza hut's. They are probably the only pizza place that i'll eat cold pizza.
I don't think it matters where you get it from, pizza always tastes better the next day cold!!!Who do you think makes the best pizza to eat cold?
Pizza Hut. My children still like doing it too, and they are grown. I also like the next morning pizza cold.
Homemade is the best to eat cold.
I love cold morning Pizza!! It grosses my BoyFriend out--he always tells me to Microwave it-nope...I just want it cold. I usually get Domino's, little Ceasar or Pizza hut! Pepperoni %26amp; Sausauge or combo are best cold!!!
Pizza is the best cold. i love it cold. i think that belachinoes is ok. But Pizza hut is the best. its in the dough its good.

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