Friday, February 24, 2012

I'm having cold pizza for breakfast. would anyone else like some?

sounds good. i haven't had cold pizza in a while. my fat a** usually eats till it's all gone lolI'm having cold pizza for breakfast. would anyone else like some?

thanks, but no thanks!I'm having cold pizza for breakfast. would anyone else like some?
Ooh, yummy! Sure, I'll have some. What kind is it?
with ranch!

now thats the shizz
only if i can use your microwave!
Yes. Probably more tastey than what I have!
only if its meat feast with extra chillies!!!!!!!

Sound good, but I am eating a Turkey Sandwich for breakfast and eating Yogurt. Enjoy.
yes i would like some cold pizza for breakfast
Ugh, no thanks!
Sure cold pizza and soda are my fav. for breakfast!!!
What kind of question is this PUTO!!!!!
I just finished off a bag of pepperoni myself, but thanks.
cold pizza for breakfast is great.

you sound like a frat boy

I'm fasting today.
oh yes please i love cold pizza in the morning. it always tastes better cold dont u think?

but i hope there is no mushrooms!
oh man i would kill for some right now... its 3pm here %26amp; I havnt eaten since.. i cant remember (rough weekend).
Sure, but okay if I stick it in the oven first?
Oh, I love cold pizza for breakfast, but unfortunately I just had a BBQ sandwich for breakfast. Thanks anyway....
Well Thank you!!! Yes, please. What's on green peppers or anchovies please! I'll bring the coffee and milk!! Thank you again!!!
Thank you for the offer, but I prefer Mexican for breakfast, lunch, and supper. Thank you for asking, though.
No thanks. I'm still getting over the lamb kebab I had last night.
Thanks, but I just had some myself. I'll pass and let someone else have that special treat!!!
Yeah, I will have some. My favorite is ham, mushrooms and extra cheese. Yummy!!
No that's gross
yes, I want a slice.
what i had pizza
hmm,,, is it super supreme??
sure, why not any beer to go with that?

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