Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Have you ever had cold Pizza or Kebab for Breakfast....?

after a Night out...?Have you ever had cold Pizza or Kebab for Breakfast....?
I've had cold pizza many a morning when I've been either hungover or still bleezin hun!!! Lol x
Yes, I had cold Pizza for breakfast once. It was pretty yummy.Have you ever had cold Pizza or Kebab for Breakfast....?

I enjoy pizza for brekke ,oh! and curry also :)
no! xx
Cold pizza tastes the best after a night out.
pizza is lovely for breakfast
i havent but my mad sister has......and curry from the night before on bread.................lol
mmmm cold pizza, as Homer Simpson would say...
Sure!!! Cold pizza with black coffee!!!! my favorite breakfast!!!!!!!!
yes it actually don,t taste to bad does it darliin xx
Nope but my hubby does that and I've seen him eat cold curry too, makes me feel ill.
Yeah. but cold chinese is the best.
Of course, that is a natural thing!!!
I've had a cold curry :-)
Yes, pizza is okay when cold.!!!
yes, hasn't everybody???????
I love pizza or leftover chinese meal for breakfast. I do like to reheat them though. It can put me in a better mood for the rest of the day.
love pizza!!!
cold pizza for breakfast is the best thing ever!!!
Yeah all the time...cold chinese rules too...not so good when you end up passing out on your bed and wake up with kebab in your bed/hair/ear....that has happened to me on several occassions...mum wasnt best pleased with the smell haha!
Yes!!! cold curry !!!!!

Cold pizza and cold curry for brekkie is awesome!

I have been known ti have the odd cold chinese fro breakfast as well come to think of it...
ive had cold pizza. but i dont eat kebabs because sometimes they use the same meat two days in a row.
Of course - I hope you are not asking like it's a bad thing lol
Yeah defiatly! cold pizza for breakfast is the best bit!

Not kebab tho, save that for purely drunk moments
cold pizza for breakfast
Yes, I have.
yeah my hubby does the cold pizza thing when ever we have pizza, he actually prefers them cold haha
No but i've had cold chicken korma rice and chips Mmmmmmmmmmm I'm feeling hungry now.
Ja es schmeckt viel besser in der Fr眉h
yes, cold Pizza Hut supreme deep dish. When I was a kid, I loved it, wouldn't do it now though! i like cold spaghetti for breakfast sometimes!
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