Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What are "pizza eggs"?

I was watching a tv show where the parents made "pizza eggs" for breakfast on special occasions. It involved leftover pizza somehow.

Anyone know what I'm talking about? Or can anyone make a guess as to what they could be?|||Pizza Eggs Recipe #86388

don't be scared! these are actually pretty darn good. I wish I could take the credit, but this is something my dear old dad came up with. DH and I refused to even THINK about trying them for years, but once we did......we wondered what took us so long!

by ~Elissa~

4 servings

25 min 20 min prep

2 slices leftover cold frozen pizza

8-10 eggs

parmesan cheese or mozzarella cheese

Cut the pizza into small, bite-size pieces.

Break and scramble the eggs into a large bowl, beating well.

Add the pizza bits, stiring to make sure all the pizza is covered.

Let sit for 10-15 minutes.

After sitting, stir again and scramble in a large frying pan that has been sprayed with Pam.

Top with parmesean or mozzerella cheese.

This also works well with a leftover spaghetti, too.|||Were you watching Weeds??!! Where shane asks his dad for pizza eggs and then he asks nancy if they have leftover pizza!? lol

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2 pkg. oven ready biscuits

1 reg. size breakfast sausage

1 sm. green pepper, chopped

1 sm. onion, chopped

5 lg. eggs, slightly beaten

3/4 c. milk

Shredded cheddar cheese

In 9 x 12 inch baking pan spread rolls. All rolls should be pressed together and cover the bottom of pan. Cook sausage and drain grease. Spread sausage, chopped green pepper and onion on top of rolls. Mix 5 eggs and 3/4 cup milk together then pour evenly over top of rolls. Sprinkle grated cheese over top. Bake 350 degrees 30 to 40 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes, cut and serve. Note: Substitute sausage with bacon. Add a sixth egg if you want|||yuch|||no clue.

Here is the receipe I found,


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