Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How important is diet when it comes to increasing strength?

Today I ate coco pops for breakfast, pizza for lunch and a burger and fries for dinner and my friend reckons its an atrocious diet which will not only compromise health and mental clarity in the long run, but will also greatly reduce potential gains in strength at gym.

Do you think he's right? I've been training for two weak and I don't feel weak.|||yes hes right. Diet is huge. It lean proteins and eat 4-6 times a day. Dont eat shitty food. Its bad for you overall so why do it?|||Absolutely - there is very little protein or nutrients in your diet - your muscles need fuel to gain strength. You might not feel weak now but you'll struggle to push into heavier weights at the gym (if your diet is right then you should increase your weights by about 10% a week) and also you'll struggle with your recovery so you'll be a lot more stiff and sore the next day. To really gain strength you need to eat 5 small meals/day and cut out all that fatty rubbish - you should be eating things like grilled chicken salad not a burger and fries! Why not as a trainer at the gym for a diet plan? Good luck with your training xxx|||I get sick every time I eat junk food you know that? Even ONE little piece of junk food can make feel sick.

I would avoid foods like pastas, whole wheat bread, grains, white flour, white rice, soy beans, soy products, soda, candy, chocolate, refined sugar, ketchup, fries, jelly, jello, peanuts, peanut butter, sauce, dressings, popsicles, fruit roll ups, pizza, all fast food restaurants, cheese, hot dogs, eggs, pasteurized milk, cereal, muffins, cookies, pastries.|||Hey, yes your friend is right. Diet is just as important as the exercise. The junk you ate today is okay in moderation, but definitely not for regular consumption.

The key to gaining strength is plenty of protein (lean meats, like chicken and fish (avoid beef, lamb etc.) and foods such as eggs and beans/lentils). It's best to eat these AFTER working out as it will help the muscles recover from working out.

Before a workout eat some healthy carbohydrates, not too much, enough to keep you going. Plenty of fruits and veggies is a must too. Don't forget the water, 2 liters a day!|||im not really into this stuff but to my knowledge this kind of food can seriously undermine your health and indeed you might not feel it at once but..., before i went on diet id been eating this kind of food as well and then I had troubles and i see the only way to regain my health, the key word is "diet".

i mean if you keep eating food like this then sooner or later it will harm your health and you just wont be able to continue your trainings.

Good luck!

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