Friday, February 24, 2012

What is wrong with having lunch for breakfast?

I do not like most breakfast foods so some times I have a pizza pocket of a sandwich finsted. I think it just should matter that i am eating something but some people say that i should only have things like cerial and oatmeal. Is this true?What is wrong with having lunch for breakfast?
I can't stand most breakfast foods and commonly eat "lunch" for breakfast...

The idea of pouring syrup all over bread and starting my day with that... yuk

And Oatmeal, sure it is good for you but come on... Its disgusting.

Good Luck

Who said anything was wrong with a sandwich or salad for breakfast? Actually, first thing in the morning it's better (if you want to jump up and get started) if you eat protein. Carbs (like cereal and oatmeal) are for long-term metabolism - you know - like long-distance runners do before a race.What is wrong with having lunch for breakfast?
I'm with you. There is nothing wrong with it. I eat leftovers from the night before for 'breakfast' since I don't care for cereal or sweets in the morning. The last thing I need is a sugar overload right away. We're both getting our protein and fat (that's good, it's energy!) to start our day. It doesn't matter what form it comes in. If you want leftover prime rib in the morning, go for it!
the foods one eats at different times a day are mostly from tradition. If you travel around the world you see people eat all sorts of things for breakfast. So eat what you enjoy eating, just try to get a wide range of foods throughout the day for balanced nutrition.
nobody ever said we can't have breakfast for dinner, i'm with you on this, it's not a law or a rule, we will eat what we want, and love it. enjoy..
i eat leftover pizza for breakfast all the time. it is better than nothing and no worse than a biscuit from mickey d's
Simple you are suppose to have break at breakfast time.
Nothing....I like breakfast for supper..(;0)
whatever man, just digest something in the morning. who cares what so long as you're getting ur calories.
no it doesn't matter. as long as you eat the right amount of carbs,proteins,fats per meal.


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