Friday, February 24, 2012

I'm having pizza for breakfast...?

(just woke up). Should I share it with you?I'm having pizza for breakfast...?
Aww you poor thing. If you want I can cook you up some pancakes, or french toast, or eggs instead. :-)
no im enjoying my fruit loops.I'm having pizza for breakfast...?
Please i'll take a slice
only if its cold, cold pizza for breakfast is the best
I'm not having pizza...
woah, i am too
yeah, i'm hungry.
I had it for dinner. but it does sound good again
*Yum* and yes if you want to!
sure if it is Tuna and Mushroom
What kind of pizza? lol..
No. I'm having pizza for lunch. Cheese with pineapple.
Nah, I had Papa Johns pizza last night, that's enough cheese for me!
Sounds great. I haven't had anything to eat yet.
mm..sounds good with some hot sauce...
ya you shoud sare

ill have 4 slices now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A pizza for breakfast? Don't you think that it's too much?
No..thanks I am already having spaghetti for lunch now.
Yes, but only if it has Jalapeno's on it.
well it is lunch time here i would like a piece thanks
You can keep it for yourself. I just ate cold leftover Chinese food for breakfast. Mmmm.
you're gonna put on extra pounds!!!
isn't it great when you are an adult you can have anything you wish for breakfast..lunch or dinner!
hehe i do that too! the way i see it, it dont make a difference what time it is! seriously, whats wrong with it??? are muffins or pancakes any better?! i dont think so, so go ahead and enjoy your pizza;)
Yes, please do. I too just woke up, and I would love some.

please share
I'll have a slice,right out of the fridge....

thank you
Pretty please... I'm so jealous. I had a kolbassa sandwich.
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