Friday, February 24, 2012

Have you ever had leftover meatloaf for breakfast?

I think I will.

What's the weirdest thing you ever had for breakfast? And by the way, cold pizza isn't weird.Have you ever had leftover meatloaf for breakfast?
Princess Jewels.
noHave you ever had leftover meatloaf for breakfast?
One day last week! It's the best, on a sammich of course.

yesterday I had salad for breakfast
bertie botts every flavored beans.

I just love those things.
Yes, I usually slice it up, and put the meatloaf in a panino.
o yuck, i don't like meatloaf.....don't tell BFF please, and i don't remember,i miss alot of breakfasts, im not much of a morning eater
Nahh, I've had ramen for breakfast a few times.
i hate meatloaf. every time i see it i think of the movie a Christmas story.

ravioli and wan tans
Yes..I love meatloaf for breakfast...I make it a sandwich, VERY GOOOD!! put a slice of meatloaf on taost with ketchup! really really good.

hmm weirdest breakfast.....eggrolls from the night before..didnt taste as good. =\
ive never had meatloaf
I'm a traditionalist when it comes to breakfast but one of my friends likes my cold spaghetti. Ew.
No i haven't

But i have had left over breakfast for meatloaf.

Beer on Cheerios.
Chinees Dumplings and Egg Rolls cold out of frig, pasta chicken wings cold fried chicken pizza rolls

and no I do not work the late shift
Omg, yes I have had left-over meatloaf for breakfast with soft scrambled eggs with hot sauce and toast........yummo!
Yes, I have unfortunately.

I had burnt omelette for breakfast once. I told her she can't cook. But I had to be the gent and eat it
i can eat anything for breakfast but i think my favorite is cold spaghetti with tuna fish.
i dont eat breakfast

go on - block me

depends what your definition of meatloaf is.

I don't think I eat anything weird for breakfast. 99% of the time I eat cold cereal. 0.9% of the time I eat hot cereal and the other 0.1% of the time I eat like pancakes or some other breakfast-y food.
Um NO....I don't eat breakfast but if there is pizza I do or Chinese food I will
A large piece of heavilly iced cake.
Haha! That's alright, meatloaf is good.

I was about to say pizza, but I actually had ice cream for breakfast!!

one day we just had nothing in the fridge, it was pretty random.

This was at a cabin with me and some of my friends on vacation, was all good.
That would be good with some hashbrowns and eggs on the side. Now I might just have to make a meatloaf this week...
I have had left over meatloaf before.

wasn't bad at all, and lasagna.
I like it cold, with ketchup, in pocket bread.

God meatloaf sounds good, I'm so freakin' hungry now!
Never tried the loaf but I do love cold baked beans on 2 slices of soft white bread, you know, the kind that sticks to your teeth. Now that's a gourmet, stick to your ribs breakfast.
If you crumble it up small, fry it in a little bacon grease (just enough to warm it up) and serve it with eggs it's almost like having corned beef hash and eggs. I do that all the time and everyone who eats breakfast here loves it, the leftovers are all gone after that!
"I would do anything for breakfast, but I won't do that..."

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