Friday, February 24, 2012

What do you eat for breakfast? Or are you like me and skip it?

Unless I have left over pizza I won't even bother eating breakfast. Not a fan of pancakes, waffles or cereal. I also dislike eggs and bacon.

Thanks for the answers and have a safe night.What do you eat for breakfast? Or are you like me and skip it?
I usually have a nice cup of French Vanilla Coffee and that's it every once in a while I will eat a bagel with cream cheese. I do like breakfast foods but I m just not a breakfast person. = ) Have a great one my friend xx Sugar bug
I haven't eaten breakfast since grade-school..

What do you eat for breakfast? Or are you like me and skip it?
fruit, or eggs and toast.

sometimes i eat a bagel

i always eat breakfast
Usually oatmeal, granola, or muesli with soy milk, multigrain bread toasted, fresh fruit, and lot's of black coffee.
Skip it.
I'm usually not awake in time for breakfast.
Normally I dont eat breakfast...but if I do its probably eggs and bacon or chocolate chip pancakes
I didn't have breakfast today
a chocolate chip muffin
i like breakfast food...i just never eat it, im too lazy and tired in the morning
I usually skip it, but if I do have breakfast it's always something small like a cup of tea and a little banana.
my breakfast is usually a cup of coffee. if i am going somewhere i will eat something to keep my sugar up but otherwise i drink coffee until about lunch time. leftover pizza is good. there are usually no left overs though when me and my husband have pizza. i do like pancakes though but i rarely make them. i also love cereal. anything except like grapenuts or the ones like that. honey bunches of oats are good. i also hate eggs and bacon. i do not eat any breakfasts meats.

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