Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What would be a healthy breakfast, lunch and tea?

I'm really bad at waking up for school so I always have to skip breakfast. Because of this, I always buy bread and butter for break and exactly the same for lunch plus a biscuit. For teaI I usually have a small portion of pasta or a few slices of pizza.

What can I have instead of all this to eat healthily?What would be a healthy breakfast, lunch and tea?
For breakfast I always have oatmeal with a handful of raisins, a bit of honey and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

Here are a few ideas:

*1 egg on whole-grain toast

*fruit and youghurt topped with some granola or chopped nuts

*muesli with fruit like strawberries, bananas ect..

*oatmeal (verry gd for you) made with water with a hanful of raisins or banana, blueberries or raspberries..its up to u.

*whole grain cereal like all bran or bran flakes with fruit (banana really goes well)

*rice cakes with peanut butter topped with fruit of your choice on top.

*fruit salad, you could even put some lemon juice and cinnamon on the fruit to give it more of an axotic taste.

*fruit smoothie (just blend any fruit of your choice strawberry and banana go really well, along with some low fat youghurt and some honey to sweeten)

*whole-wheat english muffin with low-fat cottage cheese and some lettuce and tomatoe on top.

*2 wholegrain toast with peanut butter and chopped banana

All these healthy breakfasts could also be accompanied by a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice or black coffee to start the day!

For lunch having something like:

*a chicken or tuna salad

*a whole-grain sandwhich with cottage cheese,tomato, cucumber, salad and maybe a some low-fat turkey ham OR you could even have a tuna sanwhich

*an avacado and bean salad

*whole-wheat chicken wrap

*home-made vegetable soup with 1 wholemeal roll

*couscous mixed with chopped cherry tomatoes, cucumbr, red onion and strips of grilled chicken

*jacket potatoe topped with prawns mixed with loow-fat natural cottage cheese, freshly chopped herbs and a squeeze of lemon, served with a mixed salad

For tea you could have:

*Spaghetti with meatballs served with a crunchy green salad

*Grilled salmon with boiled potatoes and steamed veg

*Stir-fry lean beef and mixed veg (peppers, spring onion, pak choi, beansprouts) with finely chopped garlic and ginger, served with egg noodles or whole wheat egg noodles and a splash of soy sauce

*grilled chicken kebabs with vegetables, some salad and some couscous or potato wedges

*seasoned chicken in a whole-wheat pita with salad, some couscous (optional) and avacado

*vegetable burger in a whole wheat bun with 1 hard boiled egg and salad.

Hope I helped!
Breakfast : milk + bran cereal = quick + healthy (just pour milk, pour cereal, then eat), for another quick and healthy breakfast, you can have a fruit, a glass of milk and bread (wholewheat preferably) with low sugar jam or cottage cheese.

Lunch should be some meat for protein and some carbs for energy and some veggies for fibre. Example:, chicken sandwich or tuna pasta and salad.

Tea time should be green tea or milk, with some fruits.What would be a healthy breakfast, lunch and tea?
breakfast should be a healthy cereal with 1% or skim milk. then a piece of fruit. then lunch should be a fruit salad a normal salad or a nice sandwich on whole grain bread with sides of fruit and veggies. and if you want you can have a lil cookie or something a little sweet. then tea time make sure you have green tea and start cutting down on the pasta and pizza and work your way into having some fruit or vegggies.
Breakfast: Porridge

Lunch: Salad

Tea: Delicate Chicken Curry

Quick %26amp; easy =]

BREAKFAST= Cereals %26amp; 1 peice of toast.

LUNCH= Sanbwiches %26amp; yoghurt.

TEA= Jacket potatoe and a choice of your own.

Hope this helps.

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