Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Why can't I have pizza for breakfast?

Sure you can...I love pizza for Breakfast!Why can't I have pizza for breakfast?
do ahead
Of course you can! I did today AND I had cake along with it ;)Why can't I have pizza for breakfast?
Because Mom says no!
if its ok with u then do it
i don't know who said you can't, but if someone says I can't I will take a whole pizza and eat it ALL up in their face and say Mmmmmmmmmmm. NOW...WHAT!
No reason why you should'nt, enjoy. Me, fresh garlic %26amp; spinach, breakfast of champions!!!
I had some today for breakfast.
i love cold pizza for breakfast =]. well i'm allergic to it now, but when i could eat it....yum yum.
you can as soon as your mom leaves !!
because it's...poisonous :-p
why can't you
who says you cant? i do! how does your stomach know what time it is... it just knows when its hungry
You can!
you can, infact I did
Pizza isn't traditionally served as a breakfast so it isn't seen as such. Since sausage and eggs is far less healthy than a vegetarian pizza, I would go with pizza.
you can
Who says you can't, I do at times
Just have the damn pizza ;]
WHY can't you? People eat cold pizza ALL the time for breakfast!!

I know I did in college!



Vincent Reagan

"H A W K E Y E!"


Cold pizza and coffee Yummmm

I love to have it for Breakfast
Who says you can't? I do it all the time.
Some people say it is not healthy. ( What do they know?! ) lol.

But I recently read in a magazine that pizza may seem unhealthy for breakfast, but it actually gives you the protein you need. lol.

Have A Good Day!!!!
why can't you
Who says you can't ? :)
you can....
You can have anything that will fit into that microwave,Honey.

HEY, have some clam chowder with it and try some of this lemon meringue pie.
Who said that you cannot? Sure have it for breakfast...
i never said you couldnt

go for it.

delishhh =)
i did....(im gonna bake me a cake..YEAHH!!)
Go Right Ahead...!!

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