Friday, February 24, 2012

Easy breakfast ideas or recipes?

My family and I are supposed to bring breakfast for our church next week. We have no idea whatsoever about what to bring. Last time we did, we brought breakfast pizza, but the turnout wasn't that great. There are a lot of elderly people at our church, and they were asking what it was, and they didn't like it too much. So, to avoid that this time, what should we do? We were thinking breakfast casserole, but we aren't sure how to make it, or if it is good for elderly. Today, someone brought a ham there, and a lot of them loved it. We don't really want to bring anything big, just something fun, but also good for older people.Easy breakfast ideas or recipes?
Sleepin’ in Omelette....

6 whole Onion Rolls

1 cup Grated Cheddar Cheese

8 ounces Cream Cheese

1-? stick Butter

10 Eggs

2 cups Milk

1 teaspoon Chopped Chives

? teaspoons Dry Mustard

? teaspoons Salt

1 dash Cayenne Pepper

Generously butter an 9×13 baking dish.

Tear onion rolls into chunks and place them in the bottom of the baking dish. Sprinkle with cheddar cheese, then tear cream cheese into small pieces and place over the top. Cut 1 ? sticks butter into pats and place over the top.

Mix remaining ingredients and pour over the top of the dish. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

The next morning, bake at 325 degrees, covered, for 45 minutes. Then remove foil and continue baking at 350 for 10-15 minutes.

Easy to make and tastes great...

Have fun..........
A lot of older people have digestion problems so if they eat anything too spicy or greasy they suffer for it later. Why don't you buy a couple of melons like honeydew and cantaloupe and slice it up and put it on a platter and add some red grapes and sliced watermelon and bring that with a loaf or two of raisin toast to go with that? I'll bet they will love that! It is light and tasty and nutritious! Take care and God bless!Easy breakfast ideas or recipes?
You can never go wrong with cereal or toast!

Maybe try and make you meals more fancy by cooking scrammbled eggs, good traditional fry ups ect.

Too use ham - Lay beds of rocets leaves on a plate ( I know thats you don't usually add salad at breakfast but this works! (:) then poach some eggs lay then on top then on top of the poached eggs you could either add - bacon, grilled tomotos, smalls pieces of toast ect.

Good Luck (:
Blueberry breakfast bake.

You'll need Blueberries,8 slices of white bread in 1" pieces, 1 pack of cream cheese cubed, 8 eggs, 1 1/2 c of milk. Grease 11x7 pan. spread half bread, then cream cheese, then blueberries, top with bread. beat eggs and milk in bowl then pour over bread. heat oven to 350. Cover and bake 30 min. uncover and bake 25 to 30 min until puffed up in center. serve with blueberry syrup. This is easy and not an everyday dish. It will wow and you will hear yum.
Overnight French Toast

Tuck squares of bread cut into triangles down one side of a 9 x 13 baking dish, and more bread down the other side stacked in the other direction, then one more row down the middle and pour a custard of cream, eggs, cinnamon and vanilla over top. Wrap with foil and refrigerate overnight. The next day, pop the wrapped dish in a 375 oven for 45 minutes until puffed and golden.

Serve with butter and syrup and/or raspberry sauce (thawed raspberries pushed through a sieve, sweetened with simple syrup and spiced with fresh lime juice)
What about a fritatta. It combines Ham, eggs and bread (basics). My Mom made these all the time for brunches for her friends and she was 76 when she passed away.
you after a heavy breakfast or a lite healthy breakfast?
You could also do a ham and cheese spoonbread. I got the recipe from, and I still make it to this day. One pan should make 9 small squares which is perfect for elderly since they tend to not eat much. I'm going from memory here, but you can always look it up on epicurious to confirm it.

1-1/4 cup instant grits

1 cup boiling water

--Combine and stir, let sit for 5 minutes.

1 cup shredded cheddar

2 Tbsp. butter

--Stir that in well.

Add in about 1/2 cup of diced ham or diced deli ham slices, 2 or 3 eggs, and a pinch of pepper and cayenne.

Pour it into a greased/sprayed 8x8 baking dish and bake at 425F for about 20 minutes.
A breakfast casserole is like a bread pudding

you line a greased casserole dish with pieces of bread

whip up an egg and milk mixture (with salt, pepper etc.)

pour it over the bread

put sausage and cheese and veggies, whatever you want over the top

leave it in the fridge overnight

and bake it in the oven until it's all cooked and fluffy the next morning

it's really good

You could also make scotch eggs (hard-boiled eggs wrapped in sausage, rolled in breadcrumbs and deep fried)

or a hash with home fries, sausage, scrambled eggs, peppers, onions and mushrooms all mixed together

You could turn the breakfast casserole into a stuffed french toast casserole by putting cream cheese and jelly between two pieces of bread and pouring the egg mixture (with a little vanilla extract added) over the top, letting it sit overnight and then baking it (you could decorate the top with powdered sugar and fresh berries).

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