Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Do you think I will lose weight? I am starving, going to be starving, but i had ice cream for breakfast?

I woke up at 3am

At 5am i had chicken and catolpoe, the chicken had 1g fat and like 100cal

At 7am, I had 2 mcdonalds hot fudge sundaes with extra fudge

At 8am, I had a small personal pan pizza (I heard pizza is good for breakfast)

No food until 5pm

At 5 P.M. I had About 5 stawberries..

I am starving!!!

Will i wake up skinner?Do you think I will lose weight? I am starving, going to be starving, but i had ice cream for breakfast?
My mom ate nothing but ice cream for 3 days and lost 10 pounds. My grandmother did it too. Sounds crazy but it worked for them.
Yeah, but your body is in survival mode now, it thinks you're starving. The next time you eat basically anything, even angel food cake, you're going to bloat. Not eating for long periods of time also slows your metabolism and makes it hard to lose weight. It is also hard to lose weight if your diet is ice cream and pizza. Just saying.Do you think I will lose weight? I am starving, going to be starving, but i had ice cream for breakfast?
no you are going to freak out your body. and end up gaining weight because your body will hold on to everything because it does not know what to expect. You need to have 5-6 small meals. Breakfast is most important. Look for a food pyramid on line to get serving sizes. The way you ate that day is not healthy. You need veggies, fruits, grains, and meat along with a multivitamin.
Well, you won't actually wake up skinnier, just like if you eat and eat and eat all day you won't wake up fatter, just feel really full.

You seem to do a lot of eating in the early morning, try to eat little meals throughout the day, you'll be less likley to be hungary.

Instead of getting Ice cream, try frozen yougurt with fruit, just as yummy but healthier, and I don't think pizza's really that good for breakfast...

Good Luck!!
You aren't going to wake up skinnier. You never will, if this is your diet. You need to be eating when you're hungry, just not pizza and McDonald's. They're full of fat and calories. You should eat fat free yogurt with granola and a banana for breakfast, strawberries for a snack, eat a salad for lunch, sunflower seeds for a snack, then a dinner like a small serving of chicken breast, a small potato, and green beans. Try to walk/jog at least a mile daily. Then you'll start seeing results. Drink a SMALL glass of 100% juice with breakfast, water with lunch, and a small glass of skim milk with dinner. Good Luck :]]
Well i think you may be going about this the wrong way :) Loosing weight is a lifestyle change, you have to eat regularly to stay healthy and get your proper vitamins and such. But crappy food does nothing for you, but make you feel full and gain weight. The chicken and cantaloupe are great... strawberries too.. but the rest is crap! If your serious, find a diet plan you can live with and stick to it. It takes time and a hell of a lot of effort.. good luck!
No, you have had a wierd diet of high cal/carbs, and low cal/carbs.

Starvation diets, like not eating inbetween 8-5, do not work. starvation causes your body to retain more sugars and fat from what you eat. Try eating a more balanced, smaller meal 3x a day, with 2 healthy snacks in between(like the 5 strawberries)
nope,when your body goes in starvation mode it will preserve ANY far you have to survive.im sure you know, without ANY far your dead.dehydrate, no energy,no source of protein is no good lol. what you should do,which im doing cuz im 17 male...tryna loose weight is eat breakfast whatever it is but only until your not hungry no more, not till your FULL. then eat again at 12-2 pm.again.eat WHATEVER,try and keep it healthy but eat till your not hungry,and not ful.then the last time you eat is at 730 and NOTHING ELSE UNTIL MORNING.if you get very hungry eat a celery stick. ive got LOTS OF TIP that are working for me..im 17 and im 185 right now. i lost like 15 pounds already and im tryna get more toned;) lol its working.add me and i can help you through it in about two months ull looose like 10-15 pounds!dezso_6@hotmail.com!
You wanna lose weight? Start smoking crack. I guarantee you Will lose weight. Of course most of it will be from your wallet. If you can afford it there's nothing better. I'm just kidding by the way. I speak from experience, I lost 60 lbs and $1.5 million. I gained the weight back, not the money though.
You won't lose weight like that. Your metabolism is going to stop. You need to have a healthy diet and exercise. I don't understand. Its really simple...we all know what we need to do to lose weight and then people go and starve themselves like idoits.
not reallyy.. u should cut down on bread.. bread will make u fat... chicken is fine i guess.. 2 hot fudge sundaes from mcdonalds?? uumm nope dont count on it.. if u only had chicken and strawberries i would tell u u would wake up skinnier a bit..
Why don't you try a balanced diet - heavy on the fresh fruits, veggies, lean meats and whole grains - instead of starving yourself and only giving your body junk?
no you idiot! you cant eat crap like pizza and sundaes, then starve yourself and think it will be ok!

eat healthy dont starve yourself!

and exercise!
yes it will work.............keep believing in your mind that it will work!!!! Dummy!!!
Wow, that's quite a diet.
I'm losing weight, and I drink a 6 pack of beer every morning.
uummm.... is this a joke question? i don't think ice cream and pizza will help lose weight...

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