Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pizza for breakfast! Why or why not?

Whatever is good and in the house is my breakfast.Pizza for breakfast! Why or why not?
Cos it tastes just as good the next day
if it was just made then ok if you microwave it then it will be even more bad for youPizza for breakfast! Why or why not?
you can eat anything you want..
heck yess!!!! it's good at any time!
yes because its good and it is heathly
Because it tastes almost as good the next day. For breakfast? Yeah, especially if it is Canadian Bacon and Pineapple! NUMMY!!
I love pizza for breakfast.
pizza is good anytime, hot or cold!! it is one of the only foods out there that a couple of days later you'll wake up in the middle of the night, go to the fridge, grab it and eat...just as is. yum!
nah, heavy breakfast...would prefer scrambled egg!...
Why not, we should be thankful we have something to eat!!!
hey why not!!pizza is pizza and is yummy anytime...
I love cold pizza for breakfast. I think it tastes better the morning after.
With salad. you still need to be healthy
Why not? It's food! Did it a lot in College...
break your health
yaa sure if I woke up late and having breakfast at 11 or 12 .
yes why not?
you can hace anything you want for breakfast, your body digests food no matter what it is and it doesnt do it any different in the morning then at night
Sure, why not!

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