Friday, February 24, 2012

What did you eat for breakfast?

Or what are you eating for breakfast, if you are just now eating.

I had left over pizza for breakfast and some coffee with a lot of milk in it.

BQ: What time did you wake up?What did you eat for breakfast?
... what's 'breakfast?' *confused face* =P
well its 3:30am at the moment for me, but yesterday i had maccas... (=D) and at about.... hmm 9 or 10??

and probably thismorning ill have like half a piece of toast or nothing (i dont like breakfasy much even though it should be the most important meal of the day, as they say)What did you eat for breakfast?
woke up 6AM

breakfast 8AM

swiss cheese omelet (egg beaters)

english muffin


BQ: I woke up around 9am-ish

I had chocolate XD
pancakes and bacon
I had a bowl of cornflakes and two rounds of toast .

I drank coffee as well.

BQ 5 am

Cereal, lol original stuff . :)

BQ: 10:02 A.M.
oatmeal, but i prefer left over pizza.

b.q about 7:30
Cheerios, made me very cheery. :D
Nothing yet, just woke up 30 minutes ago.

3slices of toast n jam

yoghurt and a cup of tea.
sausage and pancakes with monster
Sliced cucumbers and a fried egg
i just ate multigrain cheerios.

woke up 10am
Nothing I don't eat breakfast :(

BQ: 10:00
I had an English muffin with sausage, fried egg, and cheese.

I woke up at 8:21 am :)
carrot/beetroot/orange juice mix along with bread and eggs omlette.
turkey bacon and a bagel.

Yogurt, a sausage sandwich, water.
I woke up at 10!
fruit salad %26amp; woke up at 8:30 am
an hour ago

and some toast
I ate leftover Wendy's from last night!

I woke up at 8.
cereal and fruit juice.
bread and eggs

i woke up at 9:55(EARLYY)
a pop tart

BQ: I woke up at 8:20 a.m.

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