Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Do you think I will lose weight? I am starving, going to be starving, but i had ice cream for breakfast?

I woke up at 3am

At 5am i had chicken and catolpoe, the chicken had 1g fat and like 100cal

At 7am, I had 2 mcdonalds hot fudge sundaes with extra fudge

At 8am, I had a small personal pan pizza (I heard pizza is good for breakfast)

No food until 5pm

At 5 P.M. I had About 5 stawberries..

I am starving!!!

Will i wake up skinner?Do you think I will lose weight? I am starving, going to be starving, but i had ice cream for breakfast?

is it a joke..

but i do have a piece of pizza for breakfast sometimes

if its not

dont miss meals! you metabolism slows down to preserve energy

have 3 meals and 2 snacks spread through out the day

then try changing to whole meal it makes you feel fuller for longer.

drink 10 cups of water.

and exercise 30 min 3 times a week
please tell me this is a joke. if not, i'd suggest you eat something if you are so hungry.Do you think I will lose weight? I am starving, going to be starving, but i had ice cream for breakfast?
All Day Diet Tips to Lose Weight

Rules - Eat 5 healthy and balanced meals a day; make sure to have about 2-3 hours between meals. Drink 2 glass of water with each meal. You shouldn't eat at least 2 hours before you go to sleep and before performing some exercises.

Breakfast - Of course you must eat breakfast, this is your most important meal. So.. have a bowl of oatmeal with low fat milk (or water) and one piece of fruit. Oatmeal contains slow release carbohydrates that will provide you with energy for a quite long time. Milk contains protein which is essential for your muscles to repair after exercise routines and even after everyday household jobs.

Mid-morning - 1 low fat yogurt, make sure the yogurt contains as little sugar as possible. And some super tasty fruit too! Yummy! The fruit contains a lot of valuable vitamins, but yogurt contains the world-wide-loved protein! Great, excellent perfect!

Lunch - palm sized chicken breast or 2 eggs with 1 steamed potato ( boiled will do the thing too) and a handful of vegetables. This will make you satisfied until the next meal and vegetables will help your body to fight free radicals, that makes the fat to pile up by providing the body with antioxidants.

Mid-afternoon - handful of vegetables and a handful of almonds. Almonds contain a mix of healthy proteins and heart strengthening essential fat acids.

Dinner - Another palm sized meat rich with protein: turkey, fish or lean red meat. And a big salad with 1 tablespoon of olive oil (not more!).

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