Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Poll: Have you ever had pizza for breakfast?

Sure, lots of times and frozen too..Poll: Have you ever had pizza for breakfast?
Yes I do because pizza is the breakfast of champions! There are only 2 rules for eating pizza: You should either have pizza when it first comes out of the oven (or the delivery box), or cold. Reheating cold pizza just doesn't work. The cheese gets really hot but the toppings are cold underneath and the crust is really chewy.
Oh yeah I love pizza for breakfast! I only have some when there is nothing else to eat in the house and there are only left overs and if pizza happens to be one of the choices I have in the refrigerator I''l warm up a slice for myself without letting my mom know.Poll: Have you ever had pizza for breakfast?
Yea I have, it's a great breakfast! Sometimes I eat it cold from the fridge, sometimes I heat it up! It's quick, tasty, and fills you up. Sounds like a good thing to me, and its much better than NOT eat breakfast!
Yep.. Pizza Hut has their deal - buy a large pizza %26amp; get a medium for a penny. My husband and I have done that a couple time so we have pizza for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a few days :)
yep!! anytime i have pizza for dinner i usually have pizza for breakfast the next day.
yes, cold pizza not always but warm pizza yes, and hot pizza, and frozen pizza
Of course! And I don't mean breakfast pizza - that's not pizza. I'm talking pepperoni and onions pizza. Mmmmm-mmmm!

can u answer mine now

Well if you count having it for lunch dinner breakfast all in a row of pizza yea 3 meals of pizza in a row go pizza!!!!!!
Today I had pizza around noon. I'm not sure if that's considered breakfast, because I didn't have anything before that.(:
I have eaten pizza at every time of the day practically.
hell no i don't even eat breakfast if i do i get a stomach ache i don't why so i just drink coffee.
No, don't usually fancy pizza in the morning but maybe the time will come when i do.
Yes. Leftover cold pizza for breakfast is a favorite of mine.
Yupp im a pizza lover i eat cold and hot pizza for breakfast.sometimes im starving i don't care if its cold or not
Yes. There is nothing better than cold or room temp pizza that was leftover from the night before. Yum!
cold pizza outta d fridge - AWESOME
yep tastes even better for breakfast =]

who doesnt like pizza for breakfast?
Yes!! I love it Cold!! I like it hot to but cold makes your mouth water to get the flavor out!
yes but when i do its only cold pizza thats been in the frige all night.

you should try it its great.
yeah cold sprinkled with white vinegar Delicious
Almost as often as cold cereal.
yes. I love cold pizza for breakfast, just warm it in microwave for about ten seconds and yummy!!
yes pizza leftovers, is good
Many times. Cold - right out of the refrigerator.
HECK YEAH!! Pizza rule!!
Yep, yummy cold pizza.
Nope but I had a pizza for dinner last night.
definitely! cold papa johns is good in the morning, I don't really any other kind cold.
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