Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Why is breakfast food considered breakfast food?

Who decided that eggs, bacon, hash browns, cereal, pancakes, waffles, french toast, etc is breakfast food(traditionally). Why? Why is there even a designation between the types of food we eat at different meal times? Why isn't pizza or mashed potatoes %26amp; gravy a typical breakfast food?|||Most breakfast foods are relatively quick to prepare, which makes them more convenient early in the morning when you have other places to go.

And now that they've become traditional, that just reinforces the notion that they are breakfast foods.|||All those foods are high in nutrients that help you get through the day with enough energy. Foods like bacon, eggs, and sausage are considered "filling foods" meaning they make your stomach feel full, enabling people to go most of the day without another large meal. Why people eat particular foods and not others is just customary. I know with typical Japanese breakfast they do not eat very bony fish in the morning because it takes too much time to pick out the bones so they eat bony fish for dinner and less bony fish in the morning. I don't think it matters what type of food you eat for breakfast honestly. I guess it really depends on you and your lifestyle. As a person who jogs in the evening regularly, I need to make sure that I eat a breakfast high in carbohydrates so that by the evening, I have already digested the nutrients and my body can use them as fuel for my workouts in the form of glucose (carbs turn into glucose which is then burned for energy). If I didn't eat foods like pancakes, rice, or toast for breakfast I'd have less energy for if I decide to work late, jog, or pretty much anything: playing with my kids, doing household chores, sex, etc. This is why breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day!|||thatz heavy food u usually eat light food for breakfast sumtimes a fry up.

plz sum1 awnser my q plz

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?鈥?/a>|||IDK, but i love meatloaf and mashed potatoes for breakfast and grits%26amp; eggs for dinner.|||maybe cause there fast, small , and mostly a healthy thing to start of your day with.

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