Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How many people eat pizza for breakfast like i do?


add me on the list...


PiZza delivery!!!How many people eat pizza for breakfast like i do?
I do. I just pull a slice out of the fridge and eat it.
definitely not me!!!!!!!!!How many people eat pizza for breakfast like i do?
I use to in my college years, but not any more. Ah... aging...
I'll eat it, but it needs to be fresh. I also like spaghetti for breakfast. I like to get my carbs early.
not me i dont do breakfast ,but i would have for lunch
Man thats an oldy but a goody...haven't had that in a long time!
I would if it was there in the frig staring back at me, even cold.
Pizza is nasty, so not me!
I do if there is ever any left - over.
Nothing like cold piza in the morning!
I certaily do but I work strange hours since I work mostly at night on the Internet. I love the witching hours esp. in the cold. lol
Pizza sounds good to me for breakfast!
Pizza for a breakfast????


No way , I like fried eggs and toast.
not every day, but have done it.
Yummy...cold Pizza is the best!
I eat it straight out of the fridge. Goes great with my coffee in the morning!
I do sometimes...
Its the best way to eat pizza.. much love to ya on that!
i do :))

not every morning but at least one day in a week, i eat pizza for breakfast.
I do, if it is not spicy. pizza for breakfast can be healthy and economical when you are in a hurry.
Ahh, cold pizza--the Breakfast of the Gods! I think anyone who went to college will eat cold pizza for breakfast.
its great for hangovers by the way
I'd love to but I dont
no...it's not me!;)

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