Friday, February 24, 2012

Is pizza rolls with ranch a good breakfast?

and pepsiIs pizza rolls with ranch a good breakfast?
not really..u should have a nutritious and balanced breakfast to help you with the rest of your day :)
Who said eggs are the breakfast meal ?

I eat pizza and Hamburgers with french fries.

Ham and chicken. and hot dogs for breakfast.

Some times i eat eggs for dinner.

Eat what you like when you like it. Food is food isn't it.

I even have pickle sandwiches for breakfast.

It's just to bad the restaurants don't realize that.Is pizza rolls with ranch a good breakfast?
Um, sure, if you want to end up on one of those documentaries where the paramedics have to break the wall out of your house to remove you because you can't fit through the door any longer.
If u mean good as in tastes then change the pepsi to a coke and hell yea!! If u mean good for you then def not.
not healthy

but skip the ranch !!

Good tasting, sure.... Good for you? Probably not.
It isn't something I would want.
Sure, if you're insane that is.
yes it sounds great
works for me.

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