Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How bad is it to eat pizza 4 breakfast?

oh! its not that bad, have some fun and eat pizza for breakfast! you only live once, go for it!!How bad is it to eat pizza 4 breakfast?
It hasn`t killed me all these years..and I still look forward to it...meatless of course!!!..if its breakfast...i would add bacon!
Pizza makes me fat lol. Not a good idea.How bad is it to eat pizza 4 breakfast?
Cold pizza is the best breakfast food EVER, as far as I'm concerned!
just as bad as it is to eat for dinner.

the calorie intake or nutritional value does not change for the time of day.

(personally, i have not yet had pizza for breakfast. unless you count 4 in the morning breakfast)
I don't think it is bad I do it alot. But then my mom gets mad at me.....
I love it
not so bad, i do it sometimes
I rarely eat breakfast (unless coffee counts) but when I do, I dont like to have typical breakfast food. So pizza is fine! I had spaghetti fro breakfast today! lol.

I like to eat breakfast food late at night tho, lol.
hopefully not that bad....lol...thats wat i had this morning xD...that n left over chinese food iz good xD!

its not bad to eat pizza for breakfast! i love pizza at breakfast. well that inly way its bad is if your on a silly diet or if you cant eat wheat or cheese
Why would it be bad? Eat what you want at breakfast, lunch or dinner (or snack)...I love eggs, bacon, and hotcakes for dinner (supper)...

Who said you can only have certain foods at certain times of the day? BAH-HUMBUG!
It's a good thing to eat whatever you want whenever you want it and that's the great thing about having left home at a young age.

Anything, anytime and dessert first if I want.
What does it matter what other people think, eat what you want in moderation
haha you go!

sometimes when im not on my diet i eat tator tots and tacos for breakfast xD

sometimes icecream too
pizza is awesome for breakfast...
Its not bad at all, Just make sure you have a nice salad for lunch. Or if your not a salad person, then a smoothie with be good enough.
not bad. pizza is DELICIOUS. I happen to eat ic cream and soda for breakfast. and im not even fat.

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