Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Can I eat ANYTHING for breakfast n lose weight?

My wife says that a dietician at her job told her that as long as a person eats 2 hours within waking up they can eat anything for breakfast and still be on the road to losing weight as long as there other meals are healthy,,,,Is there any truth in this?

I just dont see myself eating pizza or fried catfish in the morning and I dont believe it.And just because you can do it doesnt mean it's okay for everyone to do.But what are your thoughts?|||if you want to lose weight you have to know what makes your body with fat..

eating more calories than you burn makes you fat..

eating food that have fat on them...

....do you know that eating eggs you will not gain fat?...eggs have 0% fat..only when you boil them...

i try to eat clean foods to gain muscle and lose fat to build muscles...

eating even 10 eggs a day will give protein and calories but not fat...

something that helps is stop eating junk foods..not even once..stop fried foods..|||Not more than you can burn in a day, of course, but it's true that you can eat very much without gaining anything. Breakfast is the biggest meal of the day after all. It's not healthy to eat a pizza for breakfast, something that makes the metabolism going is much better.|||I have heard of this also. It is being promoted across the web by a fat lose "guru" The theory being digestion plus daily activity will burn off the breakfast in a sense making it a zero calorie meal. Does it work? It could, but one would still need to be aware of the daily activity and food intact. So it still takes some thinking, not a free meal! So to speak:)|||If you want to lose weight you should:

1- make vegetables your main food, and eat fruits in moderation. STAY AWAY from processed food; no matter how healthy they make it seem, it normally isn't. All they care about is money and not ur health.

2- eat whole wheat bread. It doesn't turn into sugar like white bread and it makes u feel full 4 longer time. Also, u should eat wholegrain cereals.

3- get fit: exercising will turn your body into a well- toned body. You HAVE TO exercise.

I cant stress enough how important exercise and food habits are in losing weight. And you shouldn't think of this as a temporary change in lifestyle, because it needs to be a life- long one in order for it to be effective.

And dont be fooled into following crazy diets. The only diet that works is a healthy diet, which - i repeat- lasts a lifetime.

4- chew your food slowly, because this allows your mind to recieve the "i'm full" signal as fast as possible. Also, studies have proven that overweight indivisuals recieve that signal slower than indivisuals with normal weight. I'm living proof of that.

5- read this eye-opening article:


keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat, so as your body is steadily getting more fit, it will have more muscle than fat, and you might not notice a dramatic decrease in weight, but ur body will defienatly look thinner. So don't get discourages if u dont have a dramatic decrease in weight.

If you follow this advice i gurantee you will get what ur aiming for.

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