Friday, February 24, 2012

Can you leave pizza out on the counter all night and still eat it? Why or Why not?

A friend had a pizza out on the counter all night and threw it away the next morning. Her husband freaked out because he wanted to eat it for breakfast. You can't eat pizza after it's been out all night can you?|||technically, you could, but it wouldn't be advisable...

if it sits out on the kitchen counter all night, then it has been in the "temperature danger zone" for far too long to be safe

the temperature danger zone is the temperature range,

40-135 degrees fahrenheit at which microbial contamination (especially bacteria) mutiplies rapidly, and when bacteria die they leave behind a toxin that makes food unwholesome and not safe to eat. in order to keep food safe to eat, it needs to be cooled from 135 to 70 degrees in two hours and from 70 to 40 degrees in 4 additional hours, then reheated quickly to at least 165 degrees.|||I used to eat pizza like that all the time, and I never got sick. I think it is not something to worry too much about.

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|||I can understand his anger because I love pizza too, and I would probably eat it too, even though I know it could be dangerous. He obviously hasn't taken a food handler course. Could you imagine going to a restaurant that had your plate of food on the back shelf overnight?

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|||lol. i do it all the time. how many people really put their food in the fridge 4 hours after cooking? i didn't think so. i hope that the restaurants i go to are following guidelines, though.

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|||I had a friend do that. He landed himself in the hospital for 3 days...needless to say, he never did it again.

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|||It is OK if you eat it with left over opened stale warm beer from the night before..

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|||i have a friend who ate a pizza that had been in a bedroom floor for two months in the summertime, and he seemed to enjoy it...

not something i'd suggest or try though.

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|||old wives tale, for the most part. nothing wrong with it. HOWEVER an item prepared with mayonaise, is a different story. Bacteria grow, yes, but not at that rate.Furthermore, it strengthens your immune system. You need to introduce germs to keep healthy. What do you think innoculations ARE??

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|||40-135 F is the danger zone?? that covers serving temp. down to almost freezing!! NOTHING would be safe with those guidelines. Throw your fridge into the landfill, why don'tcha!! And this was the best answer??

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|||I have always "nuked" it just to be safe and have never gotten sick

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|||I do believe that you are in error. I do not think that a cooked pizzas made w/ foods that need no refrigration in the raw state -cheese included , qualifies as a potentially hazardous food , thus the potentially hazardous food protocols don't apply Use FATTOM and/or HACCP to explain why it does

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|||The BA is right. Cheese needs no refrigeration only as long as it is in its original package or as a block. Would you lick the dirty surface of the table? The same microorganisms and other contaminating particles will have deposited onto the pizza.

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|||I don't care what grows at what degree, after a long night of beer, room temperature/cold pizza is the best. I am still alive and kickin regardless of ani-micro whatever's.

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|||I've done that. I prefer straight from the refrigerator.

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|||Yes you can. As long as you don't live in a toilet you should be ok. I have tested this theory many times and survived each one.

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|||thats what college kids do on the weekends: miny fridges weren't created to accommodate pizza boxes...however you may want to remind your husband he is no longer in college

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|||didn't you hear the story about the 2 year old baby who died from e-coli?they talked about the dangers of eating food left on the counter all night.why dont you look it up instead of asking clueless people on yahoo??

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|||I do it all the time, but I have a cast iron stomach. If your'e weak in the tummy then I don't advise it.

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|||How about 6-7 hour or all-night parties when food is out at room temp.? I've never heard of anyone getting sick UNLESS it's very warm out or there's mayo or a similar perishable in the food....p.s. I've done it more than once and no problems...

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|||it depends on the weather. if it;s 90 degrees outside and you have no air conditioning i would not eat it. but if the house is cool, i would nuke it then eat it.

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|||I have been doing that fo over 40 years, and it has never ade me sick once. In fact it is great for breakfast.

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|||I always leave pizza out. The only thing I do is I leave it in the box and put it in the oven(cold, of course) so my cat doesn't leave a trail of it I would find in the morning.

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|||I've done it all my life, had pizza, stuck it in the microwave overnight, had some the next day. Never hurt me ever.Well, my own personal opinion, its ok for overnight still in the box, but if u still have it out all day the next, then no.

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|||what about pizza that is cooked and left out in un-refrigerated counters on the boardwalks at the shore when it is sweltering hot out.

That always has me wondering how they can leave it out all day.

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|||You wont know until you try

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Cooking pizza at 375 degrees effectively kills all the bacteria. Pizza sitting out all night isn't going to grow anything, unless somebody has been sitting on it..without underwear!

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|||Just eat da pizza its nt gona kill u sheeze! I sumtymes do dat n look Im still alive n well no sickness r pain damn. Its also tastes better than b4!

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|||i keep my house and kitchen clean so no bugs. therefore i have no problem leaving my pizza out and having it for breakfast the next morning with a glass of ice tea. meat, dairy, grains, and veggies all at once. good times

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|||yea its ok but its not recommended

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|||Yes duh if you reheat it

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|||Um heloo just put it in the fridge instead of on the conter,,,,or recook it la.

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|||It's funny you ask. I had some left over pizza this morning and it sure tasted great. No problems over here and have done for years as many people I know. No refrigeration or nuking needed, just straight out the box!

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|||YES!!!! stillworking is right! All bacteria is already dead from cookign it. Unless something is still alive on it or you love mayo on your pizza, DO IT!!!

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|||After living in college dorms with no fridge in the room, my roomies and I did this ALL the time. No one ever got sick, at least not from the pizza!

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|||Well, what I do is I dont leave it on the counter, but i refrigerate it and eat it the next day after microwaving it. That's acceptable, as it speeds right through the danger zone.

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|||yeaaa what ever i love pizza specially for breakfast i just had the last 3 slices of a papa John i purchased on friday nite and not it was not in the fridge just plain room temperature well in the box that is.....

I have yet to be sick but i would not do that with a frozen pizza

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|||I think it will be okay I say if it don't have a bad smell to it then you should eat it. I left pizza out all the time and I eat it the next day, in a way it tastes better. If you don't have roaches or little bugs then I say go for it.

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|||Two things will survive a Nuclear War. Cockroaches and Cold Pizza.

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|||Its totally ok to leave all kinds of food out overnight and eat it the next day. Just heat it back up. Its not like we would all die if refrigerators stopped working. People lived for 1000s of years without them and they ate all the same stuff we do.

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|||as long as its the morning after and not the afernoon after! ahah i do it all the time as long as its not hot as hell in ur house. u str8!!!

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|||Well, if it was sitting out in the counter I would probably not eat it. But if you were to put it in the fridge, there is nothing better than cold pizza for breakfast. Would do it any day instead of waffles or eggs and ham. Call me crazy!!!!!

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|||I lived with my cousin and her boyfriend, all 3 of us did that one day. Needless to say, we ALL ended up with food poisoning. I would say though, that it depends on the toppings, DON'T do it with anything that has meat on it!

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|||There is a difference between preparing food at a restaurant and what people do at home. Yes, the winning answer is right about temperatures, but realistically, people eat left-out pizza all the time. Don't panic. Just don't ever expect to serve it to anyone else.

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|||hahahhaha i always eat it after it sits out. if you put it in thte microwwave, it kills all the bacteria form the heat, so no sweat. :D

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|||yeah sue unless you wanna eat it w/ ants on them. the way I do it is you wrap it w/ aluminum foil and you put it in the refrigerator and that's it.

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|||NO CAuse then my dad might eat it when i go upstairs

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|||Of you course you can, what american hasn't done that!!!

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|||Depending on the acidity; it is safe to eat the pizza. If the sauces moisture content is high then bacteria breed quickly, but the moisture level drops as it sits, the acid, and salt content is concentrated, as for cheese, and pepperoni, neither needs to be refrigerated, and dough is bread.

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|||There has been countless times that I have eaten pizza left out overnight and surprise...I am still living and I have never been sick from it.

I wouldn't recommend eating anything older than that or any mayo or dairy products left out.

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|||i don't know who study baterias . how many people been studying them but I left things overnight and if its still there in the morning i would eat it. I do it for the past 25 years and encountered no sickness.

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|||I do it all the time....hasn't made me sick yet !!

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|||If panty-slave were correct..there would be approximately 50,000 deaths of college students every year. Your biggest worry will be whether you have male roomates. cuz if you do time will not be something youll have to worry about, lol.

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|||my fiance does...and he says its fine.|||why not!!|||We've been doing that for years...and it's better the next day!

I suppose if you're 'compromised' in some way you should toss it out. But if you're not 'puny', enjoy!|||Well, in my situation, no. If I left pizza out all night on the counter top, my 2 great danes (whose heads are counter-height) would gobble it all up before I had a chance to find out if eating it after being out all night is problematic or not!! :)|||You probably can...if you're willing to take a chance on getting sick, from the bacteria that would be on it. Myself, no, I would not want to eat it. (Someone should have put it in the fridge when everyone was through eating on it).|||I wouldn't leave anything perishable on the counter all night then eat it in the morning, reasons bacteria that normally live on everything would like the lukewarm environment to grow and multiply. Just imagine if a little bit of ecoli was on there (say someone didn't wash hands good enough because ecoli is normally found in the lower large intestine) it would grow and you could get sick.|||If you leave most food products out over 2 hours you can have temperature abuse. Or the temperature zone which is between 40 and 140 degrees, bacteria will grow at a rapid rate in this temperature zone. When in doubt throw it out.|||yes been there done that the only problem is is that it will be stale and cold|||I personally wouldn't eat it after leaving it out all night because there is cheese and meat (depending on the type of pizza). I would not eat anything that has either of those two in the food and has been left out.

Typically you wouldn't eat cheese after its been left out all night nor meat. Why would that change just because its on a crust with sauce on it?|||Yes you can eat it. Most foods that are completly cooked can stay out all night. I mean as long as it is not real hot in your home it will stay pretty fresh. I mean I have never checked into it. But I have been eating extra pizza for years now. It seems to be better as it sits . But I would not say all foods you can.|||No you can't eat it if it has been left out all night. Bacteria in food starts to multiply really fast after 2 hrs at room temperature and should be discarded at that point. Although the meat is usually processed and would last a bit longer than unprocessed meat, it is definitely not safe, especially because of the dairy products. Having said that, your friends husband has probably done it a few times before and never became ill, so he doesn't think it is a big deal. He would be taking his chances though. People who aren't careful about food safety are sick with food poisoning more often, but often people blame it on the "stomach flu". I am not a food scientist or a health inspector; but I am a Mother and I don't take chances!|||I think it would be just fine, it probably depends on how hungry you are!|||its fine if you dont see anything wrong with it. of course if theres mold on it, dont eat it but that will take longer than 1 day, trust me. its fine, just check it before you eat it just incase.|||I've eaten pizza after several days on the counter. It has already been cooked thoroughly so it's not a big deal to leave it out.|||Sure, it actually tastes better than putting it in the fridge. Just heat it in its box in the oven though, not the microwave.|||no because it is proven you can't leave food out longer than 3 hours. especially pizza becauseit is bubbling cheese and heating meat and sauce

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