Friday, February 24, 2012

Have you ever had pizza for breakfast?

now that's heaven...!Have you ever had pizza for breakfast?
What do you guys mean "leftover pizza"?

How could you sleep while there was still pizza to eat???

Vot prefers sweet stuff for breakfast.
Amen! Nothing like cold pizza at 5:30AM.Have you ever had pizza for breakfast?
COLD pizza. Mmm...
OOOHHHH you betcha!! Hot or cold.
Haha yep. Cold pizza for breakfast is awesome! If you warm it up you're a freak though...
I can't eat pizza I puke every single time I eat it!

now that's hell!

gallbladder problem
I once had a piece of pizza, and the sauce made the image of L. Ron Hubbard.
you forgot

Spirituality speaking have you ever had pizza for breakfast
the picture on your avatar thing is really pretty
Yes I went to college.
of course I have, but I dont eat it cold that is disgusting.

Breakfast pizza though is quite delicious
Cold meat lovers on thin crust right out of the refridge good eating.
Yes, this morning, LOL.
left overs
Cold pizza is the best!!
Yes. I love it. :)
Yes, but good soup is even better for breakfast.
yes but it has to be cold no warm pizza for breakfest

have you tried ranch dressing on it, mm mm good
I am with you on this one!

I love pizza for breakfast....especially cold pizza!
You are in the wrong section
Yuk no, I don't like pizza. I had a cheese burger for breakfast once.
hey iv got some in the fridg


good luck
mmmmm.....Italian Toast!
cold pizza is the BOMB! and cold chicken too and cold bean burritos. but get this I love room temperature soda!! GO FIGURE????!!!
YES!! Mmmmmmmmm
I may be the only one saying yuck.
Yes, and we have also had it for Shabbat dinner.
Are you kidding? What kind of sick, immoral freak are you?

Mmmmmm, pizza.

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