Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Do you think a breakfast cereal that looks and tastes like cold pizza has a chance of making it big?

you could eat it straight from the box. or maybe pour beer on it..Do you think a breakfast cereal that looks and tastes like cold pizza has a chance of making it big?
If it smells like cold pizza, no thanks..
I know I'd try it!Do you think a breakfast cereal that looks and tastes like cold pizza has a chance of making it big?
I think it would be a big hit at college campuses nation wide! Especially if if you pour warm beer over it.

Frat boys of the world rejoice! Now you can relive those morning after the big blow out party, with a bowl of Pizza-o's! Just pour some warm beer on 'em, and remember them good ol' days!
Uh, no. -_- The problem isn't *just* that pizza and cold milk don't mix...it's also that there's just *no way* you can get a proper *meat and cheese* smell into cereal without the mess looking and smelling like dog food, basically. Only worse.


Maybe you could shoot for a breakfast food that's normally served warm to hot anyway. Like a mix for pancakes. Or one you add to scrambled eggs. ^_^

But yeah, I could see how that would be besides the point. Cold pizza is eaten for breakfast because it's *convenient* and filling, people wouldn't want the taste in something you have to cook. Nope, not when people can't, generally speaking, be bothered to *warm* the cold pizza in the microwave anyway.

Just my two cents, take 'em as you will. ^_^
sure especially if you have to pour beer on it to eat it
Good idea ? Maybe

Would people be actually willing to buy it? or would they rather just eat the actual cold pizza left over....
i donno
no. just eat the cold pizza instead. :)
People buy Grape Nuts don't they?

Hey cold pizza is good, only not if it's been in the fridge a week.

I have some in there that old right now.
umm? Do I really have to answer?
And your not running for President why????
as long as you pour beer on it instead of milk!
uhh NO
Not if you have to add milk EWWWW
Uhmmmmm,,,,,,Sausage flavor would sell the best of course !! LOL !!
Interesting. Maybe.
No, because cereal is typically eaten in milk. Who dips pizza in milk?
Sure, for the person with no sight or taste.
it all depends. would it have pepperoni?
Look, over the years the manufacturers have made a fortune out of breakfast cereal that looks and tastes like shredded cardboard, so I would think your cold pizza idea has at least a fighting chance.
hell to tha no!
cookie crisps
No. That is gross and disgusting and that will never suceed. In my opinion. I guess it might have a chance with someone else. I personally would hate it.
Catz definitely has the right formula.
Yes, I'd buy it and then let it rot in my pantry.
no,why not just eat cold pizza for breaky
Marry me?

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