Friday, February 24, 2012

What is your favourite breakfast, mine is , cold pizza?

Fried egg on toast with loads of ketchup.What is your favourite breakfast, mine is , cold pizza?
My man *heh* (sorry for being cheeky!)

Sorry.... at the moment I do enjoy a nice latte to go with my crossiant spread with some strawberry jam. Mmm... delicious.
Nookie!!!!!What is your favourite breakfast, mine is , cold pizza?
Oh Yuk!!!!!!

I have a much more healthy regard for my digestive system than to put that rubbish inside me.

For a decent breakfast - full English - fried, eggs, bacon, sausage, fried slice, black pudding, mushrooms %26amp; baked beans - all washed down with a cup of fresh percolated coffee.

Alternatively, poached eggs on toast, or a Buck Rarebit - poached eggs on chesse on toast and again washed down with some decent coffee.
I am naughty. I don't eat til about 2.30pm. but if my breakie was made I would prob go for soft boiled eggs beat up in a cup with wholemeal toast.
a toasted bacon sarnie with brown sauce..
Full English or Scots porridge oats, they are the only options for me..
A red bull :)

Gets me through til recess.
dry cereal
Ever tried stew on toast?
left over pizza warmed in the microwave for 1 minute, dipped in ranch dressing.

Don't knock it till you try it.
Yeah cold pizza rocks! with a glass of bucks fizz!!! yum yum!!!
hmmm toast with butter or cheerios or fruit n fibre
A coffee and a cigarette..
Breakfast roll; sausage, egg and bacon..
(*lol*) Mine used to be cold pizza, but I got older (or the pizza changed) and it just doesn't taste good anymore.

My FAVOURITE breakfast is eggs, bacon, real hash browns - crispy, whole wheat toast, and a big glass of orange juice. My usual is multigrain oatmeal and fruit.
My favorite breakfast meal:

- pancakes topped w/ strawberries and whipped cream

- fried eggs cooked over easy

- hash browns

- strips of bacon
pickle !!!
A ham and cheese omelet with home fries!
cold curry
Lamb Madras
Right on mine too but don't forget the sour cream on the cold pizza!
I like leftover pizza (Dominos %26lt;3) from the night before. Some foods always taste better the day after don't they?

Other than that, I wouldn't mind a (nearly) full english. I'll leave the tomatoes and black pudding though.
I love you!

How about cold curry, chinese, lasagne, kebab...
fry up, all the trimmings!

egg, bacon, tomato, sausages, you get it!

Weetabix chocolate chip minis with a chopped banana and a pot of strawberry yogurt. Mmmmmmm
scramble eggs and ham, and a glass of banana shake! :)
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