Friday, February 24, 2012

Why do Americans eat the same breakfast every morning?

It's usually the sausage, biscuit, eggs, bacon, waffles, pancakes, and some others. They eat it at home and at the restaurant. When there is breakfast meeting, I often say they always serve that all the time.

I mean, what's wrong with eating ribs, pizza, or fried rice for breakfast?Why do Americans eat the same breakfast every morning?
We don't
Because it cost less to get one or two things to eat for breakfast all week instead of having a million different meals. We just don't have the money to eat ribs for breakfast! Plus that sounds gross.

"biscuits, eggs, bacon, waffles, pancakes, and 'some others'" sound like multiple options to me, not the same meal!Why do Americans eat the same breakfast every morning?
its either a protein shake or nature valley granola bar for me. Cant go wrong with bacon though. Funny how you say we eat the same breakfast every morning and then you proceed to mention like 6 + items. They are called breakfast foods for a reason there scooter. LOL
Why are you stereotyping Americans lol.

We eat lots of different things.

The things you mentioned are just the status quo, and are the usual things that are displayed in the media.
We don't lol try rolling up into every Americans house before you say we all eat the same food everyday.

I like fruit

Toast with butter

Eggs with mozzarella and picante sauce

Breakfast burritos and tater tots

Waffles with strawberries or cinnamon or peaches

I eat that kind of thing for dinner sometimes. I usually eat cereal or a Carnation breakfast drink.
Different people like different things for breakfast. My sister ate wheels and cheese for breakfast once, my dad sometimes has chicken, my other sister wants cereal. We're all different.
Well people just like different things... I like eating Frosted Flakes and you like eating burgers! there's nothing wrong with that
They dont!!!!!!!!!!!
We eat the same thing every morning? All of us? Wow, that's news to me!
I eat nutri-grain bars.
nutri-grain bars are bomb
nuttin wong widdid. u go

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