Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Is pizza considered healthy or not?

I eat pizza at least every other morning for breakfast because I love it! But is that unhealthy for me?|||One piece of standard domino's cheese pizza has 19% of your daily saturated (BAD) fat and 21% of your sodium (salt).

This isn't a problem if you eat fairly balanced meals the rest of the day, however most of us eat a SAD (standard American diet) which is full of saturated fat and sodium.

Pizza crust is also a refined (bad) carbohydrate.

All of these COULD lead to extra weight ,heart disease and diabetes if not eaten within a balanced diet.

BUT if you make homemade pizza with wholegrain crust, reduced fat cheese and loads of veggies you can have your favorite food without the guilt.

Its all about making educated choices when it comes to food, grab a book or magazine on natural health and your on your way.

Hope this helps.|||Both, it depends what you put on it.|||if its on a whole wheat crust and you have lots of veggies on it and a little bit of cheese its okay to eat|||Depends on the pizza... it can be healthy, but would have to be homemade.

Cheese has saturated fats; sauce has corn syrup and the crust has a lot of carbs. But if made at home, you can eliminate all this bad stuff.|||Depends on what your toppings are on your pizza. If you use a low fat cheese, grilled vegetables and herbs, then you have no problem. If you eat your pizza for breakfast, try topping it with a low fat cheese, fried eggs, asparagus, grilled peppers etc. The more fat you add to yoru pizza, the more its not good for you|||It probably is. First of all don't eat at breakfast please, and if you want to eat it everyday you should at least make sure it's a good quality pizza. You know a lot of the things that are considered as junk food are only so because of the way the industries make it. If you take a pizza recepy and do it yourself (it's really not difficult) it will not only taste better but you'll be assuring yourself you won't be eating all the sh and calories that is put on the ones you unfreeze.

Still you can do it anyways, just try to balance on other things like drinking water and tea, walking, etc.|||my old health teacher used to tell us that pizza in general is very good for you when eaten in moderation. think about it! pizza has one of each of the four food groups.|||depends of the amount, depends on the type but don't it too much|||congratulations!you are eating breakfast. try to make the pizza your self so you can cut back on the fat . you can use turkey sausage, bbq chix, lots of veggies.Portobella mushrooms make a good meat substitute.try some of the lower fat cheeses like parmesan or swiss.alot of places are also making whole wheat crusts|||its healthy just what u put on it changes the whole pictures

for example

you can have

whole wheat crust or thin crust pizza light on cheese with veggies like broccoli mushrooms spinach bell peppers onion grilled chicken and light on sauce or make it white pizza and its healthy

but if u go

regular crust 4 cheese or more cheese or go a meat lovers with pepperoni ham meat balls sausage then not so healthy

or go cheese steak pizza or buffalo pizza not so healthy

just choose tons of veggies light on cheese and sauce and ur good|||Personally I don't see an issue with it. As long as its not covered in meat or something like that. Just make sure you're getting decent food in for the rest of the day. When I make my own I substitute tomatoes for the sauce, that way I know exactly what's in it and it cuts out alot of unnecessary sugar and calories (just layer on thinly sliced tomatoes right where you'd usually put sauce on the dough).|||Not really.BUT, it also depends what you put on it=]

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