Friday, February 17, 2012

When was the last time you had pizza for breakfast?

I'm having 1 right now :)When was the last time you had pizza for breakfast?
About 10 times within the last 2 months.
Think it was a couple of weeks ago. Strange how great warm pizza is but cold from the fridge hits the spot too.

I like it with Peperoni myself. If it has mushrooms it must be warmed.

Always nice to see you (((Hitman)))


Got pizza? *mouth drools* Meatasaurus,..hmm,.I like the sounds of that. Yes, definitly would want that warm. *snickers*

; )When was the last time you had pizza for breakfast?
Long time ago. lol
yesterday morning
this morning!
Eww never
almost a year ago (caause my mom won't lemme eat junk food ( i noe sucks right LOL))
A long time ago.
Gosh, it's been quite awhile now.
a few months ago!

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