Friday, February 17, 2012

Would it be okay to have pizza for breakfast :-)?

Yra, they have pizza rolls that most people usally dominate in the morning.

Example a... Me..Would it be okay to have pizza for breakfast :-)?
Just think of that.... Are eggs, sausages, bacon, mushrooms and other-stuff-that-normal-people-eat-for-l鈥?better than pizza?

So.... what's the problem of eating pizza for breakfast?
Well...It's not the healthiest thing ot have, but sure if you want :) As long as it fills you up so you won't be starving in 20 minutes then it's fine haha!Would it be okay to have pizza for breakfast :-)?
Yes! Especially cold pizza.
It doesn't matter..!!! I would love to have pizza for breakfast, but my mom will have a fit if she finds out!
Yup, love cold morning after pizza
You eat what you want. You don't have to do what other people tell you.
oh yes. Pizza for breakfast is awesome.
Sure,and dinner ,lunch,tea
I always have pizza for breakfast if there is any from last night XD

YES, i do all the time =)
leftover pizza from last night - hell ya !! ; )
of course, enjoy yourself =)
In fatass land.
Yes! :D
That's asinine! J.k, go for it!

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