Thursday, February 9, 2012

Poll: Do you think left over pizza tastes good for breakfast?

I do. Idk why

BQ: Barney at your door with Baby Bop OR Naked men with old woman in spandexPoll: Do you think left over pizza tastes good for breakfast?
Long as it's hot! Heck yeah!

BQ: Baby Bop 2 year old would be so happy
ok whatever that second question was i really dont care

but. if there meatballs on the pizza

or like ground beef. whatever the heck they call it

it is nasty the next mourningPoll: Do you think left over pizza tastes good for breakfast?
Yeah, it tastes better in the morning when it's all cooled down from the fridge.

BQ: Barney and Baby Bop, unless the old folks are Herb and Edna.
Yes,especially if you have a

bq: Chicken
pizza is yummy in the morning :)
yes I do!

lol, the barney one?
I had enough gas from the pizza from the night before.

YES to the naked men with old woman spandex
It is great eaten cold the next morning, and even better if you can find a few half empty bottles of stale and warm beer to enjoy with it.

Barney at your door with Baby Bop.

(it would give me a chance to get back at him for all the hours I was forced to watch his dribble!)
yh tastes good and barney
No.Cuz if i warm it its all soggy...

Hell yea

BQ:Barney at your door with Baby Bop
hell yeah

baby bop

you forgot about BJ

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