Friday, February 17, 2012

Poll: Do You Like To Eat Pizza For Breakfast?

I would rather eat youPoll: Do You Like To Eat Pizza For Breakfast?
I ate pizza for breakfast this morning. Actually I hate two Belgian waffles to hold me over until the pizza place opened....and then at noon I ate an entire pizza for breakfast.
Yeah, especially when it's left over from the night before and it didn't go in the fridge and the cheese is all hard and the bread is stale. I'm not even joking, that's exactly how I like it. :)Poll: Do You Like To Eat Pizza For Breakfast?
Yea, unhealthy but I hate cereal and pizza actually fill me up
Sorry, but nothing can beat bacon and eggs and/or pancakes for breakfast
I'll take pizza any time or any meal that I can get it ! Of course no whipped cream on mine.
Yes, I do. Cold, right out of the fridge.
I like to eat anything for breakfast.
yes sir, when i order out for pizza ,,,, i love it cold the next day..
Nope I love breakfast foods too much.
I like pizza but not for breakfast.
I like it anytime of the day.
as long as it has your mom on top of it then yeah.
no not for breakfast
Nahh - weird in the mornings
hell yes best served cold

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