Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My wife tried to feed our three year old daughter pizza that was sitting on the counter from the night before?

I just want to know if I'm overreacting, but I was in total shock. It was breakfast time, and the pizza was sitting out on the counter from the night before. Would it have been safe to eat?My wife tried to feed our three year old daughter pizza that was sitting on the counter from the night before?
It's a crappy breakfast but not really a big deal.
If I'd eat it then I'll feed it to my kid.

It's "petri", and everything we eat and touch is crawling in bacteria.
two different issues here

1 your wife should not be feed a 3 year old pizza for breakfast, we can all agree that its not abuse but also not that smart to encourage those kind of eating habits

2 anyone that has gone to college has eaten left over pizza that has sat out. usually its ordered at 2-3 in morning after a late night of fun and consumed anywhere from 6-10 hours later on a very questionable stomach. none of us have died form it and those that got sick it was most likely from the alcohol consumption the night before not the pizza.My wife tried to feed our three year old daughter pizza that was sitting on the counter from the night before?
Absolutely NOT! Food is only safe to eat if it has been sitting out less than two hours. Overnight is way too long and that pizza was probably full of nasty bacteria.

And, I'm totally shocked at the number of posters who are saying that is OK. All I can surmise is that they didn't read the question thoroughly and notice that you said the pizza was SITTING ON THE COUNTER. Geesh!
Keep an eye on your daughter in case she starts vomiting. Don't try to stop the vomiting, but make sure she gets plenty of fluids. If the pizza was still hot and the box was closed, there may not have been any bacterial growth, but it not wise to take the chance. All perishable foods should be put in the refrigerator immediately.
My rule is to not feed my son anything I wouldn't eat myself and not to eat anything I wouldn't feed my son. And no, I wouldn't eat pizza that was sitting out all night on the counter. I would eat pizza that was in the fridge all night long though. Totally different story.
No. My daughter eats a well-balanced breakfast. But it麓s a matter of personal decisions. Pizza is NOT a good breakfast, but I remember when my aunt will feed that to my cousin. I personaly wouldn麓t do it, and no, you麓re not overreacting.
for a three year old it is not to bad. however it is not that good. for breakfast it is not good to have pizza when you are that little. she can have a little bitt of it for lunch or dinner but only a little bit
No. Any food leftovers should be kept cold. Frozen, to 4 degrees celcius. Bacteria starts growing right away, especially when food is sitting at room temp.
I personally wouldn't eat it, let alone feed it to a small child. Seriously, I'd just throw it out.
I definitely do not think thats good. Ive never eaten any kind of food thats been left out or open over night. I dont think youre over reacting.
Tens of thousands of kids eat cold pizza from the night before with no ill effects. It's a standard breakfast in college. You're overreacting.
Yeah its okay pizza is one of those foods that dont spoil easy if your daughter is three she probally is apicky eater anyway as long as she eats i dont see a big problem with it:)
You never had leftover pizza and beer??? It's fine. Your overreacting... if it was a few says old, I would say she was nuts, but overnight is fine.
That's kinda irresponsible she should've just given her dry cereal or something that's not old. Just sayin.
you are overreacting its fine maybe not the healthiest breakfast but she wont get sick from eating cold pizza
Yes it's fine to eat as long as it's not left for another day.
Oh wow. Why not have her lick a pea-tree dish, same result... Pretty sure there is a severe lack of "common sense" here...

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