Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Would you eat leftover pizza for breakfast?

Would you?Would you eat leftover pizza for breakfast?
Hasn't everyone????
Absolutely notWould you eat leftover pizza for breakfast?
Sure, why not. Straight out of the fridge :-))
well, if it is my leftover pizza, why not? lol =D
It depends...
cold pizza for breakfast is great.
done it before and i'd do it again lol.
Sure, I work nights and have been known to have Pizza, cold spaghetti or a hot dog for breakfast, before jumping into bed.
Yes, I love cold pizza for breakfast! YUM
Yes, of course. Any kind.
many, many times. When we order pizza, we specifically get enough so we can have it for breakfast the next morning.
Yes, sometimes it tastes better the next day.
if it still taste like pizza then yea
Sure, why not, I have done it many times.
all the time its great
Of course. the best kind for breakfast though is pineapple ham. I prefer it when its cold, out of the fridge.

the rest are good, but it the morning that kind hits the spot just right.

The only rule for eating pizza in the morning is that it needs to have been sealed in a container overnight.

Other then that, eating pizza in the morning rocks!

yes, besides breakfast foods like cereal, pancakes, toaster struddles, etc. can be very boring to eat. a new dish would be good in the morning, plus pizza has carbohydrates good, for going to school, lots of energy.
Yes! Leftover pizza is the best. I love cold pizza.
No I'd save it for lunch.
I never have leftover pizza. I always clean my plate.
i regularly do on a saturday morning
sure....pizzas great anytime
Would and have many times!!
I have lots of times.
I would and I have. Especially a thin crust pizza with pineapple on it.... yummers!
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