Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Is it ok to have micro pizza for breakfast?

instead of toastIs it ok to have micro pizza for breakfast?
you sure it aint too much nutrition?
what's people's problem with eating whatever you want for breakfast.... breakfast is just that: a break from a fast... if that break were to occur in the evening, say around 8:30pm in time for dinner would you be asking this question. i like chocolate, and sometimes Chinese and sometimes boiled eggs with soldiers for lunch... well I have a soldier any time to be honest LOLIs it ok to have micro pizza for breakfast?
I think that pizza is best heated up the next day. I remember when my family would order pizza it was such a treat because we were poor and we never got it. I have had pizza for breakfast reheated many times throughout my life:] Pizza away my friend.
No, that would be terrible! I suggest a macro pizza, something on a larger scale since seeing what you are eating is important. I cannot even imagine a mouse being full from something so tiny. How do they get the pepperonis on it?
as long as your not on a diet ;)
It's absolutely okay
pizza is good anytime of day baby!!

oh you mean health wise??

then not so much no but balls to it! have it anyway then go having a run or something and you will be sorted!
yeh sure. you can have what you want for breakfast....
Ive heard of people eating cold pizza for breakfast
Pizza is good at any time of the day in my opinion...

yea if theres no krispy kreme donuts readily available
Toast is better and breakfast
it's not very healthy, but it will not kill you
Why not?

I had a couple of chunks of Stollen for mine (washed down with an espresso)

Still using up stuff from Christmas
A lot more calories but the MW pizza's are good.
I say yes, as long as you share
DO IT !!!!!
Have 2,,
Yes, why not!
As a college student i demand you to do it!
oh yeah
sure why not .
i eat all kinds of food for breakfast.
why not?

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